Origins of the moons of Mars
Origins of the moons of Mars
On Wednesday, March 12, the Hera spacecraft, which is the European Space Agency's first space security mission, passed by the planet Mars and its moon Deimos. In that image it looks blue but the background is Mars and that Rock you see there is the moon Deimos.
The ship passed just 5,000 km from the surface of the red planet and about 300 km from the moon Deimos. During this flyby Hera made a series of photos and observations. Deimos is a fairly small moon, it is like a small floating island about 12.4 km in diameter and is quite enigmatic just like its companion Phobos.
Phobos is quite larger, it is approximately 28 km in diameter, it is believed that there are two theories, one that they are asteroids captured by the gravity of Mars, which some doubt because Mars is small, its capacity to capture asteroids should be low and the other option is that they are remains that remained from a larger moon, not necessarily giant but a larger moon, which would perhaps have several hundred kilometers in diameter and that disintegrated in the past or was destroyed for some reason that we do not know right now and these are two remains that have remained.
There is also a theory that states that Mars once had a ring of dust and rocks, to confirm it in the end what we need is to send a ship to one of the moons and in fact there is a mission from Europe and Japan that will leave in 2026 to land on Phobos and take data and analysis of that moon.
This mission to Phobos is going to be very interesting, the Chinese also wanted to do one in collaboration with Russia but it went wrong, the ship was lost shortly after takeoff and it was the last joint mission between China and Russia, Phobos has been a goal of space agencies for a long time. They want to find out that because on the one hand if it is the remains of a past moon it is interesting, if it is an asteroid then even more interesting.
There is another factor in addition and that is that Phobos is the moon that orbits closest to its planet, it would be ideal to install a kind of space station because it would be the port of entry to Mars or exit port for goods from Mars to Earth or for whatever comes from Earth to Mars, it would be the ideal place.
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