Dimensional scales in the event horizon of black holes.
Dimensional scales in the event horizon of black holes.

These 25 days of March one of those surprising things in science has happened, and I like it, it is almost poetic, it is when two lines of research, two different research teams that are investigating similar things, black holes in particular and that, although in principle they go to different places, science poetically makes them converge.

This would also fit with some studies that confirm that the expansion of our universe is not uniform, it sometimes suffers accelerations, all this is strange, but mathematically it fits, another thing is that how to get proof of all this is what is truly amazing, this was on March 1, but on March 11 something else happened, a study called “Resolution of the singularity of a black hole in unimodular gravity based on unitarity” was published.

The findings demonstrate how, through the laws of quantum mechanics, the singularity of the black hole is replaced by a region of large quantum fluctuations, which are small temporary changes in the energy of space, where space and time do not end, instead space and time pass to a new phase called a white hole, a theoretical region of space that is believed to work in reverse with a black hole, therefore a white hole could be the starting point of time.
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