Dimensional scales in the event horizon of black holes.

in Popular STEM5 days ago

Dimensional scales in the event horizon of black holes.

These 25 days of March one of those surprising things in science has happened, and I like it, it is almost poetic, it is when two lines of research, two different research teams that are investigating similar things, black holes in particular and that, although in principle they go to different places, science poetically makes them converge.

Specifically, Lior Shamir's study on "The distribution of galaxy rotation in JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Study", and he did not invent all this, he has cited previous theories, specifically the first time it was cited referring to a black hole is in 2014 by scientists from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, they created a mathematical model and came to the conclusion that our universe of three spatial dimensions is actually in the event horizon of a black hole of a universe of four spatial dimensions.

What happens on the event or event horizon? that one dimension is nullified, in an event horizon of a black hole in our universe there are only two dimensions and in a four-dimensional universe there would be three, in ours, A black hole loses one dimension, but in a higher universe with more dimensions, it would gain one, so in theory a black hole in a higher universe with four spatial dimensions would have a three-dimensional universe of events or events like ours.

Furthermore, in the theory of the Canadian researchers, the origin of the universe would be explained by the collapse of the primordial four-dimensional star (a white hole), that is, when that massive four-dimensional star collapsed it would be the Big Bang, at the moment when it transformed into a black hole and created a three-dimensional event horizon and the expansion of the universe would be explained with this theory because that black hole in that four-dimensional universe is swallowing matter and therefore the event horizon is increasing.


This would also fit with some studies that confirm that the expansion of our universe is not uniform, it sometimes suffers accelerations, all this is strange, but mathematically it fits, another thing is that how to get proof of all this is what is truly amazing, this was on March 1, but on March 11 something else happened, a study called “Resolution of the singularity of a black hole in unimodular gravity based on unitarity” was published.

This is about white holes and time, this research from March 11 that was published in a magazine talks precisely about white holes, I think it is the first research that I have seen published in a scientific magazine about white holes because theoretically there are many articles but that analyzes the topic scientifically and with calculations is the first.

This study has initially analyzed black holes, in black holes we know that everything enters and nothing leaves, everything enters not only matter, radiation, but also time, in the end, it is a distortion of the fabric of space - time, according to these researchers in white holes it would be the opposite, if a black hole swallows everything, nothing can come out in white holes it is the other way around nothing can enter and everything comes out it expels matter, energy and time that returns to the universe or creates a universe.

These researchers used a theoretical model, initially simplified a black hole, reduced it to eliminate dimension issues and also reduced it to a flat black hole, in this case they have reduced it to simplify everything to a flat black hole, the limit of this flat black hole would be a two-dimensional surface and the researchers' work believes that their mechanism could be applied to a typical three-dimensional black hole, that is, from our normal, non-flat universe.

The findings demonstrate how, through the laws of quantum mechanics, the singularity of the black hole is replaced by a region of large quantum fluctuations, which are small temporary changes in the energy of space, where space and time do not end, instead space and time pass to a new phase called a white hole, a theoretical region of space that is believed to work in reverse with a black hole, therefore a white hole could be the starting point of time.

According to these researchers, black holes not only swallow matter, they also swallow time, not only do they swallow light that neither matter nor matter can escape, but also time, which is logical because they completely distort the fabric of space-time, therefore, a white hole would expel light, energy, radiation, matter and time.

They base their theory of time on dark energy being related to time itself, they think that time is derived from the mysterious dark energy that permeates the entire universe, so if we put these two investigations together it could emerge that space-time does not stop at the singularity and could pave the way for innovative new fundamental theories and advances in our understanding of the universe.

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