Mi Ciudad Favorita: La Colonia Tovar, estado Aragua || My Favorite City: La Colonia Tovar, Aragua state by @yrmaleza
Hello, dear friends and countrymen of the soul.
I loved the proposal made by my countrywoman @ raquelsiso1 for the Venezuelan community to bring beauty to our platform, dedicating praise to the beautiful cities of our country, Venezuela. So I decided to join the challenge, mentioning that the sweetest days of my life have been spent in the beautiful places of Colonia Tovar.
Amigos "colonieros" que Dios me regaló
When I first visited this paradise, planted in the highest part of the Aragua state, it was when my husband and I went on our honeymoon. We promised that we would return, because we fell more in love with each other, and both with that wonderful place, which boasts all the natural and cultural beauty that you can imagine.
Puerta de acceso a la Colonia Tovar
This imposing entrance, very German-Venezuelan, tells you how everything is from then on. Its architecture dates from 1843, when many German peasants decided to come to live in our fertile and virgin soil. The truth is, it is surprising to find a piece of the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) of south-western Germany, located right in the Coastal Mountain Range.
Yo, en el caserío Cumbote, Colonia Tovar
Being here, you can breathe, think, meditate on the beauty of our God's creation. The immensity and purity of this plant lung in the heart of Venezuela, makes you think that there is still hope for our country to have new healthy airs. The trees and all the exotic flora and fruit that I could meet in this place do not leave my head. I definitely want to go back.
Flores y frutas que consigues en el camino :-)
In the farmhouse where we stayed, I was surprised that in each house, cultivation is a way of life. The sweetest peaches you can ever taste are here. In the same way, avocados (avocado) and a wide variety of organic fruits are so healthy for the body. For that reason, and because of the favorable climate, the coloniera people are so healthy and beautiful, hahaha
Mis hijas prepararon fresas con crema, y comieron muchos duraznos deliciosos :-)
Tradiciones Colonieras
Por la mezcla entre alemanes y venezolanos, se conserva el acervo cultural de ambos lados. Se celebran:
Carnaval en la Colonia Tovar: en donde el Jokili, un simpático arlequín vestido de rojo con flecos de colores y cascabeles, simboliza el espíritu del carnaval
Semana Santa: Se acostumbra pintar y hacer los “nidos” para la llegada del Conejo de Pascua, en esta festividad alemana los padrinos dan a sus ahijados el “öschtra galt” u el “öschtra packli”, que consta de huevos de pascua, dulces y dinero.
La celebración del Lunes de Resurrección:el lunes después de Semana Santa los pobladores de la Colonia Tovar acostumbran ir a la Capilla de la Resurrección y bendicen las cosechas.
Fiestas Patronales: se celebran el 11 de Noviembre en honor a San Martín de Tours, el patrono de los viajeros.
Festivales de Música de Cámara: los Festivales de Música de Cámara se celebran cada año, los mejores músicos se reúnen para esta ocasi´n (noviembre).
Oktoberfest: Es una tradición Alemana que se remonta al año 1810 cuando el Príncipe Luís I contrae matrimonio con la Princesa Teresa de Sajonia y es invitada a la fiesta de boda toda la comunidad de Múnich.Se realizan concursos de fuerza, en su mayoría para mujeres, quienes en la Colonia Tovar son muy fuertes y aguerridas.
Navidad: aquí convergen las tradiciones alemanas y venezolanas. Parrandas, villancicos, tradiciones como la corona y los calendarios de adviento, dulces tradicionales y el frío de la época.
Traditions and customs in Colonia Tovar
Due to the mix between Germans and Venezuelans, the cultural heritage of both sides is preserved. They are celebrated:
- Carnival in Colonia Tovar : where the Jokili, a friendly harlequin dressed in red with colored fringes and bells, symbolizes the spirit of carnival
Easter : It is customary to paint and make the "nests" for the arrival of the Easter Bunny, on this German holiday the godparents give their godchildren the "öschtra galt" and the "öschtra packli", consisting of easter eggs, candy and money.
The celebration of Easter Monday : on the Monday after Easter, the residents of Colonia Tovar usually go to the Chapel of the Resurrection and bless the crops.
Patron Saint Festivities : celebrated on November 11 in honor of San Martín de Tours, the patron saint of travelers.
Chamber Music Festivals : Chamber Music Festivals are held every year, the best musicians gather for this occasion (November).
Oktoberfest : It is a German tradition that dates back to 1810 when Prince Louis I married Princess Teresa of Saxony and the entire Munich community was invited to the wedding party. of strength, mostly for women, who in Colonia Tovar are very strong and fierce.
Christmas : German and Venezuelan traditions converge here. Partying, Christmas carols, traditions such as the wreath and advent calendars, traditional sweets and the cold of the time.
This is without a doubt my favorite city of all the ones I have known so far. And it is close to Caracas, and also to Victoria, Aragua. I leave you the location so that you know more about its latitudes.
Locación en google maps
I thank those who live in this beautiful community for their constant support, in the same way to the curators and administrators of the accounts @marcybetancourt, @solperez and @venezolanos, because they are always trying to make us grow on the platform. They are very valuable, guys, ahead.
With love,
Hola mi estimada @yrmaleza, encantada con tu articulo, como lo desglozastes y explicastes bien, gracias a Dios he tenido la oportunidad de ir a la Colonia tovar, el clima y el aura que se respira en ese pequeño paraiso es unico.
Se nota que tus niñas se dirvitieron bstante.
Saludos y bendiciones.
Gracias hermosa, la verdad no descarto regresar. Un beso para ti
Excelente post, me gusta mucho la Colonia Tovar, Amo las fresas con crema y las Salchichas Alemanas que venden en los restaurantes :D
me encantan tus separadores de texto, jajaja, por eso los uso y obvio, te tenía que mencionar. Abrazos, paisanito del alma
Y sí, en la Colonia he vivido momentos inolvidables, gracias por tu visita @quediceharry
¡Hola, amiga! Muchas gracias por participar, hace un tiempo también fui a la Colonia Tovar y es un lugar muy tranquilo e increíble. Es como viajar a otro país, es distinto y muy hermoso :D.
Saludos, amiga y gracias nuevamente por participar :D
Abrazos Raquelita. Gracias por la iniciativa, estuvo genial escribir para este reto