Art Explained By A Writer - Old Woman With a Cat (1885)

Here kitty, kitty,
I wish I had something but
My hand is empty
Like my stomach
My feet
Swollen, painful, too old.

Old Woman With a Cat (1885) - Akseli Gallen-Kallela
Here kitty, kitty,
I wish...
There's no food
Sorry, and if...
I cannot digest
This is all there's left
You, me, soon
It's you being on your own.
There will be no one around.
I hope you can catch mice, lizards, birds
It's survival of the fittest
I lived
Too long.
You were great company
It's fine if you leave
After I deceised
It's up to you.
Is all I feel
Tired of life
Not of you my friend but
We can't have it all
I've been told.
Can't we?
I thank you for all those years
Your company
The great chats
Keeping me warm during
The wet Atumns
Cold Winters
Chilly Spring days
Don't forget
How I love your purrrrs
Your nose against my legs
and my nose
The licks you gave my hand
Let me pet you for the last time
Before bedtime.
I leave you the house
The shed
I made you at different places
A comfortable bed
Be safe
Be loved
Kitty cat
Painting: Old Woman With a Cat (1885)
Artist: Akseli Gallen-Kallela
contest Art & Writing is hosted by @solperez - public domain
A poem with a lot of personality. It's obvious that you really like cats. Excellent.
I like they take care of themselves and the face that can look angry or stubborn but I am not the ultimate cat lover. More an animal lover and most of all predators. I like to observe and work with them which I did for many years.
Thanks for leaving a comment. A great, creative Sunday
Hi kity, nice to greet you. Your poem gave me sadness. The kitten is left without its owner. Good thing they are independent and must get used to being left alone without their owners.
You know that's what I have thought sometimes? when cats have arrived at my house, being adult cats. I look at them with a sad look, looking for love. It's my perception, maybe I'm wrong and it's not like that.
It is said that cats pick their owner (more 24/7 servant) so they arrive for a reason but if they can pull a sad face or can smile? What they do can is show if they feel good, overjoyed or feel sad or sick.
You have new cats at your house or only the tomcat inviting all girlfriends?
I agree with you that cats choose us, and I say, to be their allies.
I had two cats, but one died, I have only one tabby left, it is the cat that my son spoils.
My cat doesn't go out of the garden anymore, we put mesh on all the metal fences so that the stray cats don't come in and eat my birds. Of course my meme can't get out either.
The cats smile with their eyes. When the eyes change shape it looks like they are smiling too, but that's my speculation.
Ah, you have bird protection. How are the little chickens doing?
Can be that cats smile with their eyes. It's hard to tell since if my son's cat is happy he's super active and runs up and down for the rest it's a non stop meow.
I think my kitty's eyes change shape when he is very curious and when he is happy too. My cat meows very softly, it's like a cooing, not loud and annoying meowing.
I had to put plastic mesh all around my house, where there were no bricks there is protection. The same happens at the entrance doors which are metallic with many openings between the bars. Now my meme can't get out, nor can the cats from the street get in.
My birds are beautiful. I just hatched 12 birds and they are already 30 days old. In 10 more days, they will start their adult and productive life. At least I expect them to start laying in the middle of next month.
The lady says goodbye, forgetting that to die you just have to be alive and the cat is alive too, it would not be surprising if the cat left this world before the lady.
They say that older people are closer to death, I do not believe it, many die in their mothers' wombs, the lady should NOT say goodbye, she should let life decide.
That is how I see this writing, sorry, but that is how I analyze it.
You are free to analyse it the way you like. I believe people know when they are dying and look at her belly that doesn't look very healthy. It reminds me at a guy I met at the parking lot showing me his belly. There was a huge tumor growing inside and no doctor was willing to help him. He was kind and showed me a free parking lot and we talked for longer. He is one of the few I gave money for a drink.
Thanks for stopping by dear @lupega!
Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.
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¿Por qué no despedirse y asegurarse de que se arregla todo lo posible antes de morir? Le dice al gato que no pasa nada si se va antes de que se acerque su final. ¿Sobrevivirá la gata? Depende de si alguna vez ha cazado un ratón, de la edad y de la voluntad de sobrevivir. Algunas mascotas son familia, otras son h,umanos, mientras que los humanos pueden ser bestias.
Las mascotas son tan familia, que están con nosotros por conexiones de amor y no de interés ni lazos filiales. Este comentario merece un voto.
Lo has articulado maravillosamente. Un gato se va cuando eldees mejor o tiene dos o tres pensiones.
jajaja. sabes muy bien como son los gatos. Sin embargo, ellos siempre nos dan nuevas lecciones, jeje.
... Sweet.