Art Explained By A Writer: An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump (1768)

in Venezolanos Steem3 months ago (edited)

art review 1807.jpg

The envelope was served on a silver plate without a word and placed on the breakfast table. As Mylade looked at the maid she raised one eyebrow, nodded shortly and left the room.
That eyebrow. She knew Josphenine from childhood, best friends forever. Without touching the letter she looked at the tiny letters. She knew the handwriting, who sent it. The next invitation had been delivered. A cold shiver crawled down her spine. How to stop a cruel person, a man calling himself a scientist?

An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump - Joseph Wright 'of Derby' - 1768

One is never too old or too young to learn, said grandfather. A device made partly of glass sat on the tabletop where everyone was sitting. What could it be?
The strange-looking scholar gave a lecture no one understood, but what everyone did see was that yet another animal, this time an eccentric-looking bird, was being put into the glass chamber.
Look carefully, said the man, I show you something unique. Watching was what no one would rather do. Only grandfather and uncle had the decency not to show their disgust.

Joseph watched the family scene where the mad professor seemed out of place. It was clearly the fate of the rich, those at the top, to give their opinion on science.

The moon shone through the trees and dark clouds appeared. One of the teenagers turned away because he could no longer tolerate the cruelty.
My love, come on, don't let it get to you, it's not our bird but his, whispered the husband, who felt his stomach turn but as a man he wouldn't be taken seriously if he showed that in public. Thank God it wasn't too bright in the room. That stupid device lightened the room enough and it wasn't a pretty sight. He glanced briefly at the corner where Joseph was sitting and who had been given the assignment to record the entire scene.

The young couple looked at each other and their look said enough.
The bird, yet another test object to show how a vacuum works, had sunk to the bottom. Could it still be brought back to life? The sketches would be the proof, a memory of this evening, just like the oil painting that Joseph would make. It had been a good suggestion made by ​​the young couple to invite him since he loved drama. Something he was fully presented with that evening and the animal abuser would be recorded forever.

The lecture ended abruptly and the family was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Their excitement was over, as had their interest in science and proving how a vacuum is created. The effect of air on a living creature had once again missed its mark, and the old, eccentric idiot knew that as he lifted his hand with the intention of filling the glass chamber with air again. All had been a useless act. The bird was dead, and he had missed his golden opportunity to become famous.

Art & Writing is hosted by @solperez she provides 3 paintings you can write about.
Painting: public domain

#story #art #review #artonsteemit #creativewriting #steemexclusive


Sorry for offtopic, but you probably missed this mention, Sbamsoneu sent you 2 STEEM 6 days ago. It's about the 1 STEEM for Uganda campaign, more details in this post.


Please send 2+1 STEEM (or if you don't want to participate 2 STEEM) to @chriddi. Time is slowly running out, the end of the fundraising campaign is December 19, 2024.

Thank you and best wishes!

Hi @michelangelo, It's good you notified me. I rarely look at my wallet so indeed didn't notice it. I am also not able to see/read the notifications with my phone if I scroll down the list.

I sent 5 steem back (2 which came from @sbamsoneu and 1 steem each in the name of my accounts (wakeupkitty, wakeupkitty.pal and tales & stories)

a great evening

Wonderful! I feel the same way, I often don't have an eye on my wallet for months. Normally there's nothing special there either and anyone who wants something from me should write me a comment 😁

Many thanks for taking part 👍

I try to check once a month to power up since once I didn't for longer and my account was hacked but like you say there isn't much to see. I rarely join contests and if I don't check if it's ever paid.

You are welcome and it's great you took the task upon you to trace and check on everyone.

A great day 🍀♥️

Thank you ma’am for honoring the request…

Just drop me a message if you join something since I rarely check my wallet.
A great day 🍀♥️

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
En los experimentos científicos muchos son los seres vivos que pierden sus vidas. En esta ocasión, fue el turno de un pájaro. Ha habido momentos en los que incluso se han utilizado seres humanos. Sin duda alguna, el progreso científico tiene un costo muy alto.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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Excelente cariño ❤️