The power of faith and knowledge

in Venezolanos Steem3 days ago (edited)

Hello my steemian friends,

This is my participation in the contest” Today again I am happy to be taking part in the competition organized by the respected @solperez. Art and Writing Contest #135

I also thanks to @zisha-hafiz for invitation me in this contest.


Anippe looked towards the sky and roared, "Oh God, today do not test my learned powers so much, what will you gain by testing my patience. I am saying this for the last time, help me God."

Anippe, who was trying to revive this man who had died of snake bite with the help of black powers, with her Aghori mantras and tantric methods, had used all her powers and mantras for the last 3 hours.

There was a tradition in a village in Egypt that if a man is bitten by a very poisonous snake and dies, he can be cured with the help of human bones taken from the crematorium and special tantric mantras.

And Anippe was a famous tantric of her area and she was known there for her vampire powers.

Anippe had found this dead body floating in the Black water river some 3-4 hours ago, and on seeing it, Anippe understood that this was the dead body of a person bitten by a snake. The people there used to float the dead body of a person bitten by a snake in the river with the hope that perhaps the poison in the water would get neutralized and he would come back to life. That is why such dead bodies were neither cremated nor buried.

Anippe had treated and revived a few such snake bitten people, but today all her efforts were going to waste.

After trying all her efforts and failing, Anippe once looked towards the sky and remembered her God and made a very emotional appeal, "God save this unknown man, I don't know whose child he is, whose brother he is, whose husband he is, I will be grateful to you all my life.

Just then a loud lightning struck from the sky, and there was a slight vibration in the body of the dead man.

I also want to invite here @mehwish-almas @senehasa and @paholags.

Thanks for reading my post.

With Great love and honour,



¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Como bien dice el refrán "La fe mueve montañas" y, independientemente de la creencia que tengamos, si nuestra fe es inmensa, esta se mantiene intacto hasta ver que su petición se hace realidad.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

You are getting fantastic ideas to create a story. It shows us how powerful the faith is. Well done.

Thanks, I am much appreciated.

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Sobrevivir a la mordida de una serpiente es casi un milagro, y aunque en el texto no se dice abiertamente si Anippe había logrado salvar al hombre moribundo, todo hace suponer que el rayo que cayó del cielo iluminó la vida del hombre para salvarlo.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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Thanks ma'am, you read my story carefully and your comment is very impressive. In our country it is believed that a person bitten by a snake does not die completely, and many snake charmers and wise men revive such people, but like you I too do not have full faith in this, that is why I kept its end a little doubtful.
Thank you.

Jajaja. Haberdejado el final abierto fue un gran acierto de tu parte. Un abrazo.