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As everyone knows we love ecology, recycling, nature in all its expression, celebrate and educate children on these issues, this year was a little different with the reason of the pandemic, a great activity could not be done with the children, but three groups of 5 children were made in the community to promote the value of our mother earth, which in recent years has been so beaten.
The ONU says that "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society" are required to avoid disastrous levels of global warming, since if action is not taken now, it will be much more difficult to adapt to its effects. futures. But what changes can we make in our daily lives to reduce our environmental impact?
The first activity was to plant some medicinal plants for colds, such as acetaminophen.
Earth Day is not related to politics, religion or ideologies, it is a celebration of all human beings and everyone celebrates it with awareness and responsibility that we have to take care of all the things that our Earth offers us.

Sowing Hands, Lecheria-Venezuela.
It is beneficial to always teach children the importance of caring for the planet, of doing something for the space where we live, it is educational, comforting, and precious to collaborate with the universe.

The plan was for the children to write their responsibility to the land, their banners were beautiful, then they planted a seedbed, as well as other plants.

For this reason, from our community, we are supporting children to grow valuing natural resources day by day, now promoting Heart Farms, as a virtual land system for the whole family to build their own paradise, instill in the little ones the value of agriculture, sustainability through the land.

Floods, natural disasters, extreme temperatures, health pandemics ... the earth is suffering a series of attacks that affect millions of people around the world, every day we hear worse news. For this reason, the commemoration of Earth Day acquires greater relevance than ever. Let us educate from the heart, from the conscience, and give a breath to our home, called earth.

Long live the children, long live peace.
Written by @darlenys01 for @sc-v, with consulted sources and own material,All images are property of the Bread From Heaven project, for HeartChurch Venezuela.
Thanks to all those who support our content
We invite you to know the new project of the Heart Farmscommunity, you can now auction your land to build the farm, a virtual system that will become a blessing for the whole family, using the Heart token.

Greater pushing dear.