¡let's all go back!

in HeartChurch3 years ago

We are living prophetic times and in these last days we have seen a little of everything, people attacked in depressions, anxieties, diseases, crisis of values, pandemics, wars, apostasy, tribulations of all kinds and the question is what are we doing or where are the Christians, where are we located, what is our role in this time of pandemic and so many tribulations, what is our performance in the face of the reality of the world?

This is the way the world is but we have also seen fights lawsuits between the same Christians criticizing one another's work as not being a single body in Christ, we are called to preach to help to reach out to the needy to talk about Jesus Christ so that the world know that Jesus Christ saves and restores people's lives because the world needs to believe in God in order to change their hearts

Where is our heart today? We need to turn to God, we need to get involved in that first love that inspired us to believe in Jesus Christ and to walk in his truth with justice, we all need brothers to turn to him and seek him with all our hearts to be able to make a difference in the world and be a torch of light but we need a new heart given by God


God is the lord of all the armies of the universe both spiritual and material and everything that God has said in his word will be fulfilled with justice but there must be a people who make a difference here on earth there must be a people united in a single spirit and truth practicing the fruit of the holy spirit in a single feeling

Zechariah 1: 3
Tell them then, 'Thus says the LORD of hosts,' Return to me, 'declares the Lord of Hosts,' and I will return to you, 'says the Lord of Hosts.

God hopes that his people will turn to him to be able to glorify himself with power and use us in a special way on this earth but he longs for us to repent from the heart of all our mistakes and to stop judging the preacher to the pastor to the teacher ... because doing these things We really do not know God so the call is to turn our hearts to him so that it is God who molds our lives and makes us a new creature

It is not a time for distractions, the enemy has wanted to devote the attention of God in our lives through all the attacks, limitations, tribulations to separate our hearts from him but today more than ever we must be united fighting the good fight and understanding the time that we are living to be able to address the world wisely in addition to being able to manage our emotions

Lamentations 3:40
"Let us examine our ways and search {them} and return to the Lord"

This verse shows us the way to turn to God through repentance and prayer since by examining our hearts we are recognizing that we have done wrong and we must reflect and turn to God through the true path that we have left behind.

Jeremiah 24: 7
`` And I will give you a heart so that you know me, because I am the LORD; and they will be my people and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their hearts.

When we desire the presence of God in our life he recognizes us and grants us his mercy and helps us by giving us a new heart so that we can know him because our old heart can never know God unless we can be born again