in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

According to the RAE, to fail means not to be right or wrong and treason is the fault that is committed breaking the fidelity or loyalty that must be kept or have.



That is why it is possible to consider that failing and betraying are not the same. We often hear the phrase I failed this person or betrayed me, but we must understand the context of these words.

You will never be satisfied with the attitudes of a person because human beings are imperfect, therefore we are prone to fail over and over again. In the bible we find two examples that I will take to explain what I consider of these terms:
Peter and Judas.
In Luke chapter 22 verse 31 to 34 we can read:
Holy Bible Reina Valera 1960
31 The Lord also said: Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked you to sift you like wheat;
32 but I have prayed for you, that your faith does not fail; and you, once returned, confirm your brothers. 33 He said to him: Lord, I am ready to go with you not only to prison, but also to death.
34 And he said to him: Peter, I tell you that the rooster will not crow today before you deny three times that you know me.

The context that you can see here is that Peter was a man who, although he loved Jesus and had a great desire to follow him and honor him completely, his humanity played a trick on him and when he felt fear of the situation, he lost confidence in what he believed and failed him.

to Jesus. I can't say that he betrayed him since Jesus used him to teach us, and I trust him again so much that I delegate a very important role to Peter.

Jesus forgave Peter's failure and taught him with patience and love. Peter was a man like us, full of defects, but still Jesus knew how to teach and correct him. Throughout his life Pedro was learning.

The next example I take is that of Judas, who gave Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Matthew 26: 14-16

14 One of the twelve disciples, the one named Judas Iscariot, went to see the chief priests 15 and said to them:

"How much do you want to give me, and I give you Jesus?"
They paid him thirty pieces of silver.
16 And from then on Judas has been looking for the most opportune moment to deliver Jesus to them.

When we hear the word betrayal, we surely imagine pain, since betrayal comes from people we love or trust, because if it is from an enemy then it would not be betrayal because no good thing is expected from him.

Judas was one of the disciples of Jesus, he walked with him, he was the treasurer and it was he who revealed where they could find Jesus to apprehend him and for more sadness or anger Judas chose one of those that should be demonstrations of love for betrayal, a kiss .

Even when Judas realized what he did and tried to return the coins, the magnitude of what he did was so great that he committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree.

From my point of view, Peter was a man who, despite his defects, loved Jesus and allowed himself to be molded to achieve his purpose, but Judas committed acts that he hid and pretended to be wise in front of others, he never showed his true identity, however Peter though reckless he was sincere.

Failing and betraying are very different things, a failure does not mean the end of a relationship, a betrayal does.

Betrayal has no turning back and Judas demonstrated it after taking his own life, since nothing he did could make amends for the act of betrayal he committed.

That is why we take good care of our decisions, let us be faithful to the people we love and in what we believe and never give the enemy room to take our mind, we can give God wisdom and that every day he corrects and instructs us in love.


 4 years ago 

Peter put his faith in his Lord, although at first he seemed to struggle with external sins, and Jesus claimed that Peter did not always understand his teachings. He understood what the Holy Spirit revealed to him, and he followed his Lord. Even after betraying Jesus by denying him and failing to defend him at trial, he returned. He regretted it and it was better to move on. This example is one that Christians should follow today. Respond to God's call to follow Him, and then see Him through good times and bad. Sin and mistakes will happen, but God is ready to forgive. Two men, two betrayals, two different results with a single lesson: Jesus is Lord and He is willing to forgive us if we come to Him in faith and sincere repentance.

Like you said, it's very necessary to be wary of the decisions we take for our loved one because eventhough it might happen that we are trying to do the best for them (not like Judas' case tho), it can end in utter betrayal which will only bring regrets, broken hearts and broken trusts.
Thanks for this wonderful message @refugechurch