
All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable….. 2 Timothy 3:16 (RSV)
I should underline the supremacy of Scriptures by drawing your attention to the ineluctable fact. I have met with people who would rather quote Shakespeare rather the Bible. They appreciate the man’s pithy and apt statements. Others similarly elevate various other literary works to the levels of devotional cannons. This should not be your own attitude.
Selwyn Hughes once wrote, “Over the years I have studied many subjects including psychology, sociology and communication. I frankly confess that I found some of the subjects I studied tiresome. The same cannot be said of Scripture, however. When I open the Book of books-the Bible-I come to it with an enthusiasm and an expectancy that is not there with any other book. I hope that you, too, share that same experience”.
These were noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11
NO OTHER BOOK SHOULD REPLACE SCRIPTURES FOR EVERY BELIEVER. Anchor your spirit beneath the deep waters of scriptures as the Word of God embodies a portent stabilizing factor through all ages. Develop your spiritual knowledge muscles with nuggets of nourishing revelation as you fortify your future with the knowledge of the living God, His awesome works and His awe-inspiring creativity.

The Bible is surely one book you must read to discover for yourself the truth of the Word of God. If you take someone else’s word for it, you may inflict grave disservice on your Christian living.