Beauty from within
e beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty from a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows”.-Audrew Hepburn
What an ugly fish! Sandy said, with disgust, as she came across another fish in the river. Sandy is known by all the fishes as most beautiful but her pride has kept her kind away. Minutes later, sandy strays into the territory of the sharks which are already preparing to devour their prey. She cries out but no one gives ear to her pleas for help except Lolly who hears her voice from a distance, goes close to be sure its sandy and calls for help. The other fishes are reluctant to help but after Lolly’s plea, they oblige and in a split of seconds, the sharks flee and Sandy is free. Sandy is really ashamed of herself and renders apologies to Lolly and the other fishes for her behaviour. Lolly is now the most adored fish in the river and sandy has learnt a very important lesson that beauty is beyond what the eyes see.
Therefore, true beauty lays emphasis on the inner being and it emanates from the creator. Making physical effort to look presentable is not out of place but if its done at the detriment of the inner man, it becomes a façade because God is not in acceptance. Can one plant cherry seeds and expect orange fruits? One cannot be truly beautiful without the permanent presence of God in one’s life because its what one possesses that he professes. True beauty, which is given by the lord, comes from within and propels the outward beauty.
She that possesses true beauty fears the lord and will do his commandment at all times; she makes sure that she maintains cordial relationship between her and her creator and avoids every form of sin and defilement. Proverbs describes a beautiful woman as one that
openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness…a woman that feareth the Lord…(proverbs 31:26, 30). The pleasures of this world will fade away and after that, only the inner beauty will count. Timothy explains that she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth(1 Timothy 5:6) because she is not recognised by the Lord and her eternal abode is hell. Nevertheless, God does not want anyone to perish but he wants all to come to the knowledge of him and repent. This is what it means to give God a chance at beautifying one’s life.
She that is conscious about pleasing her lord always is truly beautiful and shall be praised(proverbs 31:30). The psalmist understood the meaning of true beauty and this made him cry out in psalms 90:17 “let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us…”. Beauty, indeed, is that which is given by the lord and he that possesses this beauty will live eternally with the loving God.
Jesus said “behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (revelation 3:20). Jesus is calling you today to open up your heart to him so he can perform the work of beautification in you. His love is greater, far than tongue or pen can ever tell and he loves you. He is willing to do this work in you; he wants to transform and make you a beauty to behold. Glorious! However, you have a part to play. He’s still standing at the door and all you have to do is LET HIM IN!