Smiling is The Best Option

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

It is no secret that when we reach adulthood certain precautions begin to hover in our heads because of the way we live and the way we really want to live, the stress that this generates can be quite a lot, and cause serious problems in our character, mood swings and physical ailments can affect us severely.


Faced with the situations that life presents us, sometimes we can do nothing, and what better example we have with the health situation that now presents the world. We can do nothing about it but continue with life, thank God for being alive and above all smile.

Why smile when I have no reason to? Because it can keep my body and mind healthy. If our health is related to this, smiling reduces stress, can help us to go through the most painful trials, there are many studies that have been done associating the physical and emotional well-being with smiling.

Sometimes smiling costs and we can not deny it, but when those hard times come, there is no better thing to weigh them with memories, for example when you lose a loved one, it is a very hard time, where the least that would appear to the mournful face is a smile, but hence the importance of building memories, those beautiful memories that we live are those that will allow your face to light up with a smile in such a moment of darkness.

Never stop smiling, even if life seems uphill smile, even if the storm rages smile, smile, smile, smile always, every time you can, in every place and at any time, this will allow you to create a strengthened emotional character capable of withstanding adversity with the good times lived, the hope of returning to them, and the satisfaction of having lived them.

When life seems rough and it seems that no one can understand you, smile, there is no better medicine for pain, depression or sadness, smile, smile, smile, never stop smiling. A smile of yours can change someone else's life, even yours, how many things you can achieve through a smile, a kind gesture that seems small but that can open a universe of possibilities.

May your option be to smile, to life, to your loved ones, to those who do not love you so much and why not also to the problems.