IMAGE: www.churchleadership.com
Serving God is not an isolated kind of a thing. It is a service rendered amidst all manner of witnesses. If you have no witness attesting to your purported service for God; then, your service stands to be questioned. Abel’s excellent offering which was by far more relevant to God’s plan than Cain’s offering, was a witness that he was righteous. None can gainsay the fact that there are divinely accredited pointers to attest to your claim of uprightness. Abel didn’t just obtain witness that he was righteous; the Bible says in the latter part of our text passage, that –
“God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh”.
Every sustainable witness goes with divine attestation. The divine attestation is what gives your service the mark of eternal value. Consider what you have as a witness: Does it stand to be reckoned with by heaven? The applause of men is one; the accreditation that comes from heaven is something else altogether.
God does not see the way men see. The ways of God are higher than the ways of men. Men may focus on the act that gives you a “witness” and applaud the magnitude of your actions; but God looks beyond the act.
He has the hearts of all men in His hands: “Thou knowest my down sitting and mine uprising, Thou understandest my thought afar off…. And art acquainted with all my ways” (Psalm 139:2-3). His focus is on the motive behind the action and how it aligns with His settings for your life. It is not what you explain to God and try to convince Him about. You may succeed in seeking to explain it to men, certainly not with God. God doesn’t need explanation; He sees it just as it is. He knows you in and out. His accreditation for what you hold as witness is on the basis of His assessment. This is when you come to discover that the voice of men don’t necessarily sum up to mean the voice of God.
God speaking to the Israelites; proclaimed – “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God” (Isaiah 43:12). Who do you have as witnesses that you are a born again child of God and that you are upright? Won’t your colleagues or your neighbors be surprised to hear that you are a Deacon or a Deaconess in the Church? What do you have in God’s kingdom to show for a sacrificial lifestyle? Are you still singing- “There is nothing I have to give you, but to say thank you my God – Thank you Jesus, thank you?” You are joking! There has to be tangible things in the house of God and in the lives of men, to show that you are in active service. This is not just a mouth kind of a thing, tangible service is what counts. What is your witness and what is your attestation before God?

IMAGE: dailyverses.net