The Just has a divine mandate to live by his or her faith. No matter how you grow or develop your faith; one good point of understanding is knowing that faith offers no exemption from life’s storms, rather faith can render the storm’s power ineffective. As long as you are in this world, tribulation is certain; but the cheering news is that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. You can never become too much of a man of God to avoid being confronted with the challenges of life; rather, the more of a man of God you feel you have become, the more the challenges you have trailing you. Jesus once proclaimed to his disciples –
“Let us go over unto the other side of the lake” (Luke 8:22).
As they sailed by ship, there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and the ship was filled with water and they were in jeopardy.
You may want to ask, how can a storm rise against Jesus – Who Himself is the Master of ocean and earth and skies? But it did! There is absolutely none that is exempted from the storms of life. If Jesus was confronted by the storm, why should you seek exemption?. Faith offers no exemption; but your approach in faith makes the difference. When the disciples confronted Jesus with the situation on hand; He rose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and they ceased, and there was a calm. He asked them afterwards –
“where is your faith?” It is true that faith offers no exemption; but, what you do in faith when the storm comes matter a lot. Your faith in the midst of the storm can make the stormy situation dead on arrival.
Faith also offers no exemption to temptation. You can never become too spiritual to get beyond the devil’s tempting range. If he tempted Jesus after Jesus just finished a forty day fast; who do you think you are and what spiritual activity do you think you are involved in, that sets you beyond temptation. A life of watchfulness is the hallmark of faith. No matter how much faith you feel you have, you cannot afford to be off your guard: “Principalities and powers, mustering their unseen array, waiting for thy unguarded hour: Watch and Pray”.