in HeartChurch5 years ago (edited)



Good morning everyone and welcome to my blog!

Today, God is saying that you should reach out to the pour and needee. If God has blessed you today also pass the blessing to others.

There are many people looking for help, the orphanage, the poor, the widower, etc. We are not a complete Christian if we don't help and reach out to people whether in kindness, prayers, cash.

There are many good ways we can reach out to people, remember the scriptures says "Give and it shall be given unto you". I therefore beseech you today to give out your kindness, your money, your help, your time etc. To the poor and needee and God will bless and reward us bountifully.

. You are blessed if you consider the poor;

. The LORD will deliver you in time of trouble.

. The LORD will preserve you and keep you alive,

. And you shall be blessed on the earth;

. The Lord will not deliver you into the will of your enemies.

. The LORD will strengthen you on your bed of illness;

. He will sustain you on your sickbed.

. it is not just prayers that a poor man needs, he needs your support in kind or in cash -james 2:16-17

. Don't you ever say, “Come back tomorrow, and then I'll help you, help that poor man now -Proverbs 3:28

. Tabitha, called Dorcas in Greek, was known for her good works and acts, especially towards poor widows

. Dorcas fell ill and died but the lord raise her up after Apostle Peter prayed for her

. She came back to life not just because of the prayers but because the Lord remembered her good deeds -Act 9:36-42

. Beloved, whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and God will reward him for what he has done-Proverb 19:17.

. May the Lord give us understanding...

. May the Lord bless and be with you ALL...

Have a great day…

Good morning dearest...