We are Children of promise

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Romans 9:6-8
What really comes into the mind of a believer when hearing the topic about the children of the promise. It's more like an inheritance which a loving father willed to his child. Similarly, God our heavenly father had and still has willed enormous wealth that is strictly for his sons and daughters.
The question now is are you one?

Over the first half of the Book of Romans Paul discussed the primary elements of the gospel. He had presented humanity’s sinful state, salvation, justification and sanctification. Jesus Christ had fulfilled God’s plan of redemption. In Romans 9:11, Paul dealt with the challenges of the gospel message from the understanding of many Jews God had made many wonderful promises to Israel since the time of Abraham. Many of these promises focused on the coming Messiah, yet Israel continued to reject Jesus.
Even the old and new covenants. In these chapters Paul provided both Jew and Gentile with the information necessary to better understand this new reality. Salvation is now based on a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The crucial theological statement of these chapters is found in Romans 9:6. God’s promises to Israel had not rejected Christ, many Jews had received Him. The rejection of the majority did not mean the promises of God had failed. Those who were truly Israel- God’s people- were those not so from natural descent but by God’s sovereign wisdom, a spiritual birth (verse 7-8)
Perhaps the most important phrase of this passage is “children of the promise” (verses 8, KJV). And to claim this promise could not be based on any sort of lineage – that is, it would not be a matter of being “children of the flash,” or physical descendants of Abraham. Rather, it must be based entirely on becoming spiritual offspring by following Christ.
In view of this one may now ask a question thus:
How would you respond to someone who asked what it means to be a child of God?
_How can the church fulfill the promise of being a blessing to all the nations of the earth? _

Lets attempt the answer to the question thus:

Jesus brought great clarity into what it means to be His people. Paul Apostle too taught the believers in his time how this new family of God is comprised of both Jews and Gentiles. When considered together, we find a great lesson. God’s family can include anyone. It is said that prejudice dies hard, but that should not be the case in the family of God. The love of God is the hallmark of His family. Race, colour, culture, and social class do not matter in this family.