I Depend

in HeartChurch5 years ago

James 5:15

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

By our prayers we acknowledge that we have no power to bring about the things we’re praying for, but God has. Our prayers are not a way of trying to force God to do what we want; on the contrary, our prayers are an admission of our helplessness and complete dependence on God. By our prayers we are inviting god to work out His answer to the matter they are praying about.

The answer to prayer doesn’t depend on the zeal or will-power of the person praying, but on the wisdom and power of God. God doesn’t want us to work up feelings of one sort or another.

He wants us to simply trust Him. The merit is not in the prayer itself, but in God who answers the prayer. We can pray in the right spirit only when we recognize our helplessness, and trust God to do what they cannot. Faith is the basic requirement of all prayer.

We do not need a large amount of faith in order to pray, we only need enough faith to turn in our helplessness to God. Like prayer, faith has no merit in itself if it is not centered on God. That is, God doesn’t need our faith to help but we sure need faith to access His help for us. God has complete power within Himself. Faith is simply the means by which believers come to Him and ask Him to exercise that power.

Receive grace to trust in God even while you wait for the answers to your prayers