From the rapture of the church to the marriage of the lamb
Dear brothers and sisters, blessed be this day that our God gives us in love and mercy.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to share with you about the “Great event of the Rapture of the Lord's church”, which will take place in the air when Christ comes in the clouds with his holy angels.
It is wise to clarify that while the Lord's church will be with Christ for a period of seven years in heaven, a period of seven years of the Antichrist's rule will begin on earth, known as the period of the “Great Tribulation”.
As far as today's study is concerned, we will be focusing on the seven years that the Lord's church will have in heaven, in which two important events will occur that some Bible scholars consider to take place while the inhabitants of the earth They go through the "Great Tribulation." These events are related to "The Judgment Seat of Christ" and "The Marriage of the Lamb."
In a particular way, in this post I will be talking about "The marriage of the lamb."

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In the light of the Scriptures we will talk about this wonderful event, in which both you and your loved ones who sleep with the Lord will have the great privilege of participating in the glorious wedding of the Lord's church with your beloved husband, who is Jesus. Christ.
The apostle John received on the island of Patmo the revelation of what this beautiful and extraordinary event of “The Wedding of the Lamb” will be like.
6 And I heard like the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of a great thunder, saying: Hallelujah, because the Lord our Almighty God reigns! 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory; for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has prepared herself. 8 And to her it has been granted to be clothed in fine linen, clean and shining; for fine linen is the righteous works of the saints. 9 And the angel said to me: Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me: These are true words of God. 10 I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me: Look, don't do it; I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers who retain the testimony of Jesus. Praise God; because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Revelation 19: 6-10 King James Version (KJV)
The revelation that John receives, as I said is something extraordinary and wonderful, he hears powerful voices, surely from millions of millions of angels, full of joy and much joy, announcing that the almighty God reigns, that it must be of great joy, because Los Angels say that it is a reason for joy and happiness, to give glory to the Lord, because with the arrival of the newly transformed bride in the Rapture of the church, now what Christ expected is fulfilled, which is "The marriage of the Lamb."
John sees in the revelation that the wife, who is the church, possesses a dress of pure and clean linen, which represents the righteous actions of the saints. This implies that all the believers who participated in the rapture of the church are believers who dedicated their lives to the service of God and sanctified themselves and were pending to do righteous works on earth that would produce treasures in heaven.

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In the same way, it is revealed to John that the lamb will have a special dinner with the wife.
9 And the angel said to me: Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me: These are true words of God.
It is a privilege for every Christian who has been called into God's plan of salvation, through Christ, to receive the glorious joy of participating in the marriage of the Lamb. So much so, that John is told that these words are true, which means that if God said it and promised it, then the truth of his word will be fulfilled.
Dear reader, we must not lose heart and trust fully, what God revealed to John, which is a reason to encourage us and serve our God doing just works on earth that allow the church dress to remain clean and pure, so that you and I may participate with great joy in the marriage of the Lamb. This is glorious and God bless all the saints at the wonderful HeartChurch International Ministry. Amen.

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Rapture is real, the question is will you be there to see the marriage of all the saints including yourself. The only way is for you to run to him and give him your life and I can bet you that is the best thing that can ever happen to you. Nice post @elpastor.
Thank you brother @etiboy56, for your valuable and important comments that motivate us to continue preparing for that great event of the wedding of the Lamb. Let's sincerely hope to see each other at that wonderful supernatural event.
Yes my brother and I pray for grace to make it as well.
Amen brother. I join your prayer. Blessings for your life and family.