in HeartChurch5 years ago (edited)

In life, daily we are subject to making decisions to guide our path and follow our destiny, because not everything we face on a daily basis is the right thing for our lives. A very wise wise advice is found in the following verse:

2 Timothy 2:22
22 Flee also from youthful passions, and follow justice, faith, love and peace, with those who with a clean heart invoke the Lord.
King James Version


When Paul speaks to one of his disciples named Timothy and tells him that is to say he advises him saying: look I'm going to give you an advice "flee from youthful passions" what Paul wants to say to Timothy is flee from everything he wants destroy yourself do not chorus what represents a threat to you flee from temptation do not get close to things that are intended to devour you and devour what God has with you whenever you can flee flee.

In this sense it is necessary to clarify that there are certainly things from which we are going to be able to flee and from which the Bible requires us to flee but no less is it true that there are other things from which we are not going to be able to flee from which we are going we will have to learn to resist instead of running away because no matter how you run away that will come out to meet you and the only way to face those things from which you cannot run away is precisely by applying what what the apostle santiago says when he speaks saying: "resist the devil and he will flee from you".

James 4: 7
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
King James Version

santiaago here argues us that if we obey God and submit our wills to him the devil will have no part with us
In other words there are things that I'm going to run away from there are people that you have to run away from there are contacts people with whom you communicate that you have to cut it because if you don't cut it they will destroy you run away from the toxic run away.

It is not recommended to go to a place where the devil frequented you to steal your essence, do not continue visiting that place, you flee from there, close the gap to everything that threatens your growth, to everything that you can continue to run, flee ... but there are things from which we cannot flee and if you leave because there is a battle there you will become a fugitive who has not had the ability to overcome something there are things that God is going to move them and there are others that are not going to move them because it is you who are going to move you so that these things do not bother you anymore

When does a person know that he has grown spiritually?
A person grows by the way he is facing something that you have faced in the past, that is, when you say "I grew up" what certifies your growth is not what you say is the way you handle things versus things that in other times those things that once depressed him and made you look bad before God vanished them now you see yourself facing the same thing and your reaction is totally different there it is known that you really grew up

We should all ask ourselves that question and in turn reflect: Have you grown up? Or do you keep crying for the same thing, do you keep falling into sin with the same thing, do you keep getting dirty with the same thing?

It is for this reason that Santiago says "flee from youthful passions because there are certainly many youthful passions that make a young person or anyone fall because there are diverse attractions in this world to bring down the work of God and plunge them into sin but in God we have how to flee from these things and live in holiness and in an integral way to please God

as wise people we must know what are the people that we must accept in our lives as friends or the things that we must practice in our actions

Get away from everything that hinders your peace with God and takes you away from his presence


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