in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

"Integrity is the condition of an individual or object to maintain all its parts. This does not include only the physical, but the values ​​and convictions. That is, it can be said that a person is whole when he acts according to the ideas that always has manifested".

Integrity is also a personal virtue that can be cited as self-respect, breaking down very positive effects in the sphere of the person who practices it, such as: gratitude, receptivit, conviction or appreciation for your ideas, y self-control, responsibility, honesty,empathy , respect for others, emotional control , loyalty, neatness, discipline, consistency and firmness in actions.


In this vein, it is important to note that this type of virtue like all the others has been deteriorating in recent years, but yes, we currently find people with integrity, people with conviction combined in values ​​that do not allow anyone to alter their conditions.

Proverbs 11: 3
The righteous are guided by their integrity; the false are destroyed by their hypocrisy.

Integrity guides the conduct of those who practice it and even if it is long term, in some cases the retribution is safe and appropriate because it is even appreciated by their friends and the community itself. Integrity also implies fidelity and this applies in much or in little.

Luke 16:10
He who is faithful in a very little, he is also faithful in much; and whoever is unjust in the very little, he is also unjust in the most.

Friend and brother, God tests the ability to receive the true riches of heaven also by the use we make of material possessions and everything that he provides us because when we give gratitude to the God of heaven for all these things we are already being grateful be it little or a lot.

Gratitude begins at home for the family for the church for friends for all those people who make up our social world and have offered us their hand or help at some point in life because that is what life is about living in society and helping each other. each other because it is God's plan.

In this way, when we are able to thank our neighbor, we would also thank God in a broad and sincere way since everything we have comes from him.

Regarding integrity, the author of 1 Chronicles defines it in the following verse in this way:

1 Chronicles 29:17
I know, my God, that you test hearts and love righteousness. For this reason, with uprightness of heart I have volunteered all these things to you, and I have seen with joy that your people, here present, have brought you their offerings.

Obviously God tests the hearts and loves the righteousness of people who are convinced of what they believe in this sense, believing God is the best way to achieve integrity since they are the biblical values that allow us to determine each virtue in our life.



La integridad es vital así como siempre alejarse de la tentación y vivir siempre en la rectitud que quiere Dios para nosotros.

If you care about your reputation and character, you'll make integrity your watch word. I do. God keep helping me. Amen

amen mi hna. considero de mucho valor cuando comparto con alguien y puedo ver que es integró en toda subforma de vivir. como Pastor aprendí a nos dejarme deslumbrar por los dones y talentos de los futuros líderes sino más bien a darle prioridad a los que viven en santidad la cual expresan en su amor, integridad, fidelidad y compromiso con lo que el Señor a puesto en sus manos. paz.

Living an uncalled lifestyle can alter ur integrity...