Unanswered Prayers: WHY?

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honour to your wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7 NKJV

A very good morning and happy new month to @steemchurch, @heartchurch, @christian-trial, @sirknight @derlenys @elpastor and other brethren in this great community. I feel excited to be a member of this community although I have not been able to fulfill my promise of sharing christian contents to this community as well as learn from others here so that I can grow up spiritually and keep in touch.


Today's topic is inspired by a home video I saw few weeks ago where I saw a man abuse his wife causing her to cry all night. I couldn't help but cry too. It was so emotional that I didn't know when tears fell off my eyes. Of course that's a movie. But, I couldn't help but thought it all through the evening, what if this was or is perhaps happening to someone somewhere there? It is better imagined than been experienced.

The message from the movie came alive last night when I was studying the scripture. I came across those last words in 1 Peter 3:7. I had to read it again and again. In fact i got stocked there in that verse I couldn't go further with my Bible Study. I took out more time reflecting on the sentence hoping I could figure out what must have caused Peter to make such statement I consider a bit dangerous to the growth of the family and church

I know very well that the character that was exhibited in the home movie I saw was a man who wasn't contented with his wife, thus he goes out and returns to the house drunk every night. He slaps the wife at the slightest provocation and warns her not to dare ask him about his lifestyle because it is the head of the family and as such has the right to do what he likes.

I will pause to ask, is there any iota of truth about what he (the man) said? Yes, the African culture would say, but this is a direct opposite of what the Bible says in the Bible verse of focus.
Let me still ask you if you would not mind,
Would you still spend hours to pray at night when you do know for certain that such prayer won't be answered?
Would you go to anyone to ask for help when you're convinced that s/he won't grant your request?

The answer of course is a big NO. Indeed no one would want to waste his or her time praying when he knows that the question won't be answered. Don't know about you but I'd prefer sleeping all through that night than waste it in unanswered prayer.

So what could cause an unanswered prayers?

I will only discuss one point that causes this in this post today. Well, the Bible has clearly stated this that ones prayers could be hindered if any or all these is done by the husbands.
1.if a husband fails to deal with his wife with understanding, that can cause closed doors or hindered prayers. At times like this point I'll say that my heart goes out to those men who are victims. Believe me some of the women I see especially ones I've interacted with, I've been looking forward and praying for his future husband because she's a wonderful person whom I as a lady find difficult to understand. I have my own flaws too I must admit, but what I see in others may be far bigger than mine.

Little wonder men are going through this closed doors which sometimes is not known to them.
I'll be unfair to you if I fail to expose this secret and advise you that you (husbands) should strife your best to ensure that you deal with your wife with understanding

Similarly, I urge the women too to please give the men a break. I mean, they are going through a lot especially during this period of lock down where they are not allowed to go to work and cannot watch football too. If there is therefore any time that you can help and be an understanding wife.

I guess that it-s now. Yes, start today and help unblock the closed doors to your husband's unanswered prayers.
I will be glad to hear your testimonies. God bless you all in Jesus name.


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