Child of the King, A poem of encouragement

This is a poem I wrote years ago now as encouragement for a friend. I hope it brings a blessing to all here also. Let me know if it does and feel free to share, resteem and bless others with. Free to use for non commercial purposes, please give correct attribution.

You are a royal child, a heavenly heir
Do you not know it? Aren’t you aware?
That in you, you’re Father delights
and watches over you each moment of the day and night
And every day and night over you He sings
Because you are a child, a child of the King

You are His son or daughter, a prince or princess
You are significant, you have an inheritance
Before the world was made you were on His heart
His love for you is faultless and has been from the start
He will forever comfort in the shadow of His wing
Because you are a child, a child of the King

You are apart of strong, large family
You are a soldier in a vast and mighty army,
He has plans to prosper you and not to harm
He will secure you safe in His loving arms
Countless blessings to you each day He will bring
Because you are a child, a child of the King

You have authority and you have power
in His name, you’re safe, strong tower
Put your confidence in Him who created all
Put your trust in the one who picks you up when you fall
Confide in your Father who is interested in everything
Because you are a child, a child of the King

You are cared for by the one who made the stars
You are beautiful just the way you are
And just the way you are is the way He made you
You were designed perfectly to fulfill the task He has for you
He knows what the future for you will bring
Because you are a child, a child of the King

The one who holds creation, wants to hold your hand
He wants to lead and guide as you seek His plan
He wants you to ask, because He wants to give
And bless you as for Him each day you live
Can you hear cry of heaven? The sound of great rejoicing!
Because you are a child, a child of the King

By Barry McCormick