What is fasting?why do we need to fast as christians?

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Fasting is going without food for aperiod of time to focus on some thing that is important and that's God.

When fasting,you can feel some body discomforts like hunger,thirst,weakness,dizziness, headchaches but you have to persist and finish.

There are four kinds of fasting so you can choose which one you would like to do.

  1. partial fasting: here you can fast the whole day and then eat sapa for any days you want.

2.Fasting on drinks only; like tea,juice.

3.Fasting on water only.

4.Dry fasting; you dont eat or drink anything for any days you set.

Then why do we fast as christians.

-Fasting is discipline disciplining the body .1corinthians 9:27.

-Fasting is humility .psalm35:13,James 4:6.

-Fasting is honouring God.Acts 13:2,Luke 2:37.

-Fasting surbodinates our fleshly desires to our spirits desires.Galatians 5:17.

-fasting is longing after God. Psalm 63:1-2.

Whenever you are fasting,its aprinciple to read the word of God and pray.


Fasting a very important aspect for the spiritual growth of a believing Christian. Thanks for sharing with us these different kinds of fasting.