"So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto him that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation". Hebrews 9 v 28
We just celebrated the price Jesus paid for mankind. The song writer rightly wrote: "I'll never know, how much it costs, to see my sin, upon the cross". Jesus paid IN FULL with His blood for our sins even before we were born so there's nothing left for us to pay. Glory to God.
Salvation was given to us freely, not because it is free, but because someone paid in full. That's the unmerited favour of God, otherwise called GRACE.
As we commemorate the painful and gruesome death of Jesus, what should be your response to Him since you cannot repay? Yes, you cannot repay, but you can receive the gift and treasure it by following Him totally.
When you accept His love, surrender to Him, focus on Him and shun sin, you are changed from glory to glory.
God hates sin and the wages of sin is death, that has not changed. That's why Jesus paid that price just for you and me.
The only reason Jesus came is to take away sin and reconcile man to God. When you reject it, you are trampling on the blood that has been shed. I plead with you to accept the finished work today and celebrate He who died that we may live. Amen.
God is ALL we need. Whatever the word of God cannot give to you, you don't need it and it does not exist. Amen.

The death of Jesus has always been talked of since we were very young, and it was being talked about even when we weren't even born. It takes a good christian who leans on God to still have those feelings about Christ's death. People no longer feel eager to hear about it now because we always do hear about it.
But we should know thats how its supposed to be; just don't lose your guard. Continue to focus on God and we will always be rewarded in the end.
Thanks so much for your message dear @anggy, God bless you