in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

The kind of sound we produce determines the kind of things we attract. you can't speak differently from what you're thinking, so our words is the driver of our lives. (Read James 3:4-6)
So, the posture of the heart invariably determines what proceeds from us, either defeat or victory song. In fact, even angels are attracted to our words to put it to work.
Whatever does not agree with the purposes of God is called idle word and evil report.
If what you say or utter doesn't produce a sound favorable or dispense faith, discard and kill such word.
Our heart and words is the generating and production room of our lives.
The trajectory of our lives is solely determined by what we say.
COMPLAIN as a form of worship language of hell attracts the destroyer. Don't be part of the bandwagon of complaining generation.
In the mist of our worship to God we generate power that brings victory, likewise our complaining and grumbling attracts the destroyer and brings defeat.
Complain sometimes can be very legitimate, but whether legitimate or not, it still create room and invite the destroyer. Read( 1Cor 10:10-11)
Don't allow complain to be the things you're building life upon.
When you don't walk and speak by faith, complain is inevitable because walking in faith is simply agreeing with the purposes of God.
Each time we speak, its either we agree and enable God to flow in our lives or we empower satan.
When satan speak to us, it produces deception, it then stirs up the vocabulary of complain which gives birth to rebellion and fear.
Satan always speaks lies and deceptions with the intention to blindfold us and craft our words negatively.
It is when we get to the point of desperation and anxiousness that we complain and inturn invite the destroyer. Desperation breaks standards and principles that negates process.
Your words create your reality. That's why satan wants to kcreate, project and vocalise your fears to make you change your words into evil reports. Read (Ezekiel 37:10-12)
God doesn't hypnotize, each time we encounter Him, He speaks life to us.
When we complain, it blindfolds and releases the virus of dryness and introduce limitations into our lives. Read (Psalms 106:15)
Don't ever package complain in whatever form and make it look like worship unto the Lord.
Complaining can make us even lose valuable relationships. We can't build or harness relationships God brings our way through complaining.
Sometimes the voice of complain and faith can look alike, but the difference is, the voice of complain puts the power to accomplish a purpose on you, while the voice of faith shift and puts the power to accomplish on Christ.
When we speak the right words always there's a God to confirm it. Only man in the entirety of Gods creation that has the ability to speak and see it come through as God because he has the DNA of God as a speaking spirit.
Our words channels our destiny.
The Word of God on our lips has creative force, likewise negative words on our lips can bring about chaotic mess. So its very important for us as believers to know what to speak.
Each time we want to talk as believers, we need to filter the source and to know who is commanding us.
Complain doesn't just jump on people, it emanates as a result of the lie we have heard and believed from an opinion sponsored by the devil. Read(Num 14:1-10,20-)
The kind of words you hear, believe and echo will either weary or strengthen you.
When we believe a lie and evil report, it can make us forget the goodness of God. But we must learn to remember Gods track records of kindness and testimonial of goodness in order to stay off the track of complains and maintain the kingdom culture of thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving with eyes fixed on the possibilities in Christ is the antidote for a complaining heart.
Each time there's an opportunity or invitation to complain, if you don't know what to say shut your mouth and give God the glory in your heart.
We are not called to echo the pains of the past or current circumstances, but rather to re-echo the Words of life.

Go ahead and thank God and give Him all the glory...