Steemit Crypto Academy | Summary On Homework Task For Week 16 by @stream4u

Hello Everyone,
Thank you to all for joining the Second Season Of Steemit Crypto Academy and Participated In The Homework Task week 16.

We received a total of 56 Homework Tasks in Week 16 for the topic,
All homework task with the correct tag #stream4u-s2week8 has been checked at earliest post submitted by you.
I am sure all your homework tasks are checked within 24 hours after your submission.
This post is to summarise the Homework Task for Week 16 and the tag was #stream4u-s2week8.

So, the count of total homework task submitted is 56 which is the extremely lowest count received in the last 4 months, but the good thing is except few tasks, we received 95% of the Homework task are Quality Post, Professional Post.
You all have put great efforts in this time hence the 95% of homework tasks have scored 9 and 10. Due to less count of submission and everyone did great so there is no more to say in today's Summary.
However, there are few tasks received in which it has been observed that the users are giving a good view of charts example. The chart is very small, the market trend candlestick chart is very micro and some users are submitted crossed images which is very difficult to understand.
While making a blog/post/homework task make sure that the screenshot of graphs, charts has a good view and understandable. Do not use screenshots like below.

The above examples of charts are the wrong views that we received in a few homework tasks. The screenshot and the chart look like is decent and that tells everything which you mentioned in its details, like below.

It can understand that few are using mobile to attach the images, but still you need to edit those first and make it straight.
PLAGIARISM ratio is under control and it seems like users are now doing a good level of study and research before making a task.
Markdown Syntax, users are still not using markdown syntax to highlight the good point/note in a task. We have a very good Markdown Syntax that you can use in your Homework Task so that your task will look very effective and impressive.

This time no need to mention the Picked good task because 95% of tasks received are quality work.

Steemit Crypto Academy will be taking a break for the next two weeks and will resume with a new Crypto Course. In these two weeks, you have a good time practicing everything that you have learned.
If you have any doubts or if you have any topic which is related to the Crypto market and you are getting difficulty then you can share that with me and I will try to import it in the coming courses so that everyone will learn new things.
Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy
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Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy
Thank you.
Thanks, professor @stream4u for this special recognition. It's an honor learning and improving under your teachings. Thank you, once again.
Thank you professor.
Hello @stream4u
I'm new to Steemit. Achievement is completed up to 5.1. I am interested to work in your group of cryto Academy . What kind of post and homework do I have to do. Is it helpful to give details ???
Hi @amirhamja79999
Currently, Steemit Crypto Academy is on a 2-week break. You can refer Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update #16 [ May 31st, 2021 ] to know the eligibility.
Steemit Crypto Academy will resume after 2 week, kindly follow @steemitblog to get the latest update on it.
Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy