Steemit Crypto Academy Update [ January 24th, 2022 ] - Recruiting Professors

Season 6 of the Crypto Academy will be starting in 2 - 3 weeks.
For this new season we are looking to recruit more new professors.
Details of how to apply are below.
Among a number of changes in Season 6 will be a greater emphasis on cryptocurrency trading, including new team trading contests.
Steemit Crypto Academy Professors
The primary task of a Crypto Professor is to produce weekly or bi-weekly course posts on a cryptocurrency / blockchain subject agreed between us.
Each of these posts should also include a homework task for the students to practice and expand their knowledge of the topic.
The Professors are then expected to check, comment on and grade within two days all the homework posts submitted for their course. This is likely to be around 50 - 100 posts a week. Professors will be working in pairs to share the workload of grading the homework posts.
At the end of each week we ask the Professors to produce a summary post giving feedback on the homework responses submitted.
For all their hard work, the Professors are rewarded each week with generous upvotes from @steemcurator01 on their main course posts and their homework feedback posts.
Following feedback the rewards for Professors will be increasing in Season 6.
For Season 6 we are going to have a particular emphasis on trading, so we are keen to recruit Professors with interest and experience in crypto trading.
If you would like to be considered as a Steemit Crypto Professor you should make a post with the following information…
a summary of your experience on Steem, and other blockchains, and other relevant off-chain experience or qualifications (no more than 250 words)
a description of why you think you would be suitable to become a Steemit Crypto Professor (no more than 250 words)
an outline of the topics you would cover in a sample 5 week course suitable for newcomers to the crypto world (no more than 500 words)
links to the three best crypto related posts you have made on Steem - ideally these should be Crypto Academy homework posts.
Please note - only people who are participating in #club75 or #club100 will be considered for the role of Crypto Academy Professor.
Previous Professors are welcome to apply for this new season.
Application posts for both roles can be in any language, and should be published by 11pm UTC on Sunday, January 30th.
Please include the tag #professorapplication (and your country tag) in the first 4 tags and put a link to your post in the comments below.
We plan to announce the new Steemit Crypto Professors by Thursday, February 3rd.
Thank you,
The Steemit Team
Without students there are no teachers.
Let's hope the changes also benefit us.
I wish you luck in recruiting the new teachers.
Stay tuned for the announcements and the start of season 6.
Get ready for the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World will ever experience...
January 27, 2022... 19.4 Hollywood Time...
Did I miss something on the 27th?
More than likely, you missed one of my Posts...
January 30, 2022... 8.8 Hollywood Time...
True. Sans this post, I've missed them all. I've been a little busy learning how to steer global human society away from its cannibalistic qualities. Lol
Tonnes of COVID-19 health care waste expose urgent need to improve waste management systems
Hello @steemitblog,
I have a question and one suggestion to make.
My question is if we are trying to motivate more people to participate in the #club100 status, then why are we focusing more on the trading assignments in the crypto academy courses that force users to take out Steem tokens to trading platforms?
My suggestion is that the professors and steemitblog must ensure that the homework assignment courses do not force users to take Steem tokens out of the platform to some trading platform, but this must be done in a way that the trading activity uses only demo tokens or demo money for learning purposes.
I hope this comment is taken as a constructive criticism only.
Agree with you
Nice one @cryptogecko
totally agree with you @cryptogecko
Great point.
agree with you
Maybe I will be joining to the season 6 courses, I wanna learn more about crypto trading ✌🏻 Interesting, great job and good luck to all new professors
I'd like to see how the rewards for professor's will go, there are some pros I'm planning to invite to the platform as professor's. People with over 50k followers/subscribers on their crypto channels.
The issue before now has been, some of them charge upto $1,500 per year per person for their premium channels where they merely drop calls and sometimes analysis. These channels sometimes have over 200 members. Though maybe not all will be on yearly plans.
I'm hoping to see more courses from trading pros and I think the next phase of the crypto academy might be better seasoned with external professionals.
Lemme try to reach out to some of them now you've stated that there'll be increased votes for the professors.
Will it be out of place if I tell them they could share links to their telegram or twitter channels on their posts?
I dunno but I'm thinking if they do that and also share links to their Steemit posts on their telegram and twitter channels it could be mutually beneficial.
I mean, some have over 100k followers on their free telegram channels and their calls tend to pump prices for some seconds on Binance.
I think if we offer them a chance to even increase their channel, we might stand a better chance of getting them here.
I wish good luck for all the candidates and I hope to have talented new professors.
Good Morning prof @kouba01 please any updates on fixed beginners task? or is it going to start with the dynamic task at the same time?
For the moment no decision has been declared about this, but I think during the sixth season there will be a lot of beneficial changes for everyone. Stay with us and discover all the novelties.
Great to see that Steemit Crypto Academy Season 6. Steemit Crypto Academy is about to complete successfully Year and enter into another year. Great Achievements.
Steemit Crypto Academy has provided good knowledge on Crypto projects and people need that to know how exactly crypto works so that people can find good projects and support them.
With this knowledge, people can find valuable crypto projects at an early stage and get good returns in the coming days, I am sure technical study has helped them here.
Professors are doing great at every level and provide professional service.
Best of luck to every new participant.
Awesome! I can't imagine how much joy this brought to the heart of many Steemians out there, they have missed the Academy even within the short while the Academy spent on break. It's good to learn of new changes coming up in the new season and sincerely, thanks to @steemitblog for untiringly lending a listening ear to feedback from the Steemit Populace.
In addition, I am quite sure that the new development and other ones yet to be revealed would bring in some new fresh air to the Academy. We are glad to hear about the Academy resumption in a jiffy and thanks to the Steemit team once again. Steem On! 🚀
Hemos estado esperando alguna actualización de ustedes con respecto a los 150 SP mensuales. Por favor no tarden en manifestarse al respecto! Muchas gracias por su trabajo
Saludos amiga. Lo que más me preocupa es que la SCA va a tener un receso de más de un mes, en ese mes los que nos enfocamos en las tareas de la academia, (porque las recompensas en otras actividades es poca), vamos a tener una baja muy fuerte en nuestras recompensas y así la exigencia de SP sea menor, al no tener ingresos , vamos a tener que comprar Steem para poder participar, lo que se va a convertir en un pago indirecto para poder publicar nuestros trabajos.
Eagerly waiting for the new season to start