(ENG/ESP) Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S19W6: Trading Steem with TD Sequential || Operando con Steem con TD Sequential



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Dear Steemians,

We are excited to announce the upcoming competition for the sixth week of Season 19 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge, which will take place from August 12 to August 18, 2024. This week, we will explore an advanced trading concept: the TD Sequential Indicator. This indicator is widely recognized for identifying potential market trends and profitable trading opportunities.

The objective of this competition is to assess your theoretical and practical knowledge of the TD Sequential Indicator, with a particular focus on trading the Steem token. Participants will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of key concepts and apply this knowledge in real-world trading scenarios.

We invite traders of all levels, whether beginners or experienced, to participate in this rewarding competition and share their ideas and strategies with the community. The winners will have the opportunity to earn attractive rewards in Steem.

Join us for this exciting week and put your trading skills to the test with the TD Sequential Indicator. Good luck to all participants!



In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency trading, advanced strategies are crucial for effectively navigating the markets. The TD Sequential Indicator is one such strategy, known for its ability to identify critical market trends and turning points using a systematic approach.

When properly applied, the TD Sequential can enhance trading strategies by providing a structured and analytical method for entering and exiting market positions. By identifying potential reversals and continuations, the TD Sequential helps traders focus on significant price movements while filtering out false signals.

This week's competition will highlight both the theoretical and practical aspects of the TD Sequential Indicator, demonstrating how this strategy can be used to improve trading performance with the Steem token. Analyzing entry and exit criteria, along with real-life examples of successful trades, will provide an in-depth understanding of this approach.

Exploring the TD Sequential Indicator in this context offers a valuable opportunity to strengthen trading skills and discover new ways of approaching crypto markets, particularly with the Steem token.


What do we expect from the competition?

  • Question 1: Understanding the TD Sequential Indicator

    • Theory: Explain what the TD Sequential Indicator is and how it differs from other commonly used trading indicators. In your explanation, mention the concepts of "TD Setup" and "TD Countdown" and their importance in the context of cryptocurrency trading.
    • Practice: Choose a cryptocurrency pair including STEEM (e.g., STEEM/USDT) and identify the TD Setup and TD Countdown sequences on a 4-hour chart. Describe the observations you make and what they mean for a trader.
  • Question 2: The Psychology behind the TD Sequential

    • Theory: Describe the psychology underlying the use of the TD Sequential Indicator. How can this indicator influence traders' decisions and the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market?
    • Practice: Based on a recent example, discuss how traders' psychology might have influenced the price of STEEM when TD Sequential signals appeared. Use historical charts to illustrate your point of view.
  • Question 3: Explanation of the TD Setup

    • Theory: Describe in detail the conditions necessary for a TD Setup to be completed. What specific criteria should be monitored, and why are they crucial for a trader?
    • Practice: On a daily chart of the STEEM/BTC pair, identify a recent TD Setup and explain how a trader could have used this information to make a trading decision. Include screenshots and an analysis of the results obtained.
  • Question 4: Using TD Countdown to Predict Reversal Points

    • Theory: Explain the TD Countdown process and how it can be used to predict market reversal points. What is the difference between TD Setup and TD Countdown in their practical application?
    • Practice: On a 1-hour chart for STEEM/USDT, find a complete TD Countdown sequence and analyze how it influenced trading decisions. Did you observe a trend reversal at the end of the TD Countdown? Provide a detailed analysis.
  • Question 5: TD Sequential-Based Trading Strategies with Steem

    • Theory: Describe a trading strategy that uses the TD Sequential Indicator to trade the STEEM/USDT pair. How could this strategy be optimized to maximize profits and minimize risks?
    • Practice: Implement this strategy on a demo account or trading simulator using recent historical data for STEEM. Present your results, including the number of winning/losing trades, and analyze the reasons for the strategy's performance.


Contest Guidelines

  • This sixth week will take place from August 12 to August 18, 2024.

  • The article should be at least 500 words. You can write more. Your article must be free of any form of plagiarism.

  • Your article title should be Trading Steem with TD Sequential. Add the tag #cryptoacademy-s19w6 and other relevant tags.

  • Participants must be appropriately following #club5050 or #club75 or #club100.

  • Participants must be verified and active users on the platform.

  • The community moderators will leave quality assessments on your articles and probable upvotes.

  • Additionally, your article must receive at least 10 upvotes and 5 valid comments to count as valid in the contest, so ensure you interact with other users' entries. Do not engage in vote-buying.


  • SC01 will be checking on the entire 7 participating communities and upvoting outstanding content. Upvote is not guaranteed for all articles. Kindly take note.

  • At the end of the week, we will nominate the top 3 users who have performed well in the contest, and they will be eligible for votes from SC01/SC02.

Important Notice: The nomination of the top 3 users in our community is not based on good grades alone; it includes their general engagement (quality and quantity of their interactions with other users' articles) to measure overall performance. Also note that generally, you can only make one post per day in the Steemit Engagement Challenge.


Conclusion & Perspectives

This competition based on the TD Sequential Indicator and the Steem token represents a unique opportunity to deepen trading knowledge and refine advanced techniques. By exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of this indicator, participants will enrich their skills and discover new perspectives for navigating the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

In the future, the application of this knowledge may pave the way for even more innovative and effective trading strategies. We look forward to seeing the analysis and trades this competition will inspire and continuing to encourage learning and excellence within the Steemit community.


Spanish version of the competition



Queridos Steemians,

Estamos emocionados de anunciar la próxima competencia de la sexta semana de la Temporada 19 del Steemit Engagement Challenge, que tendrá lugar del 12 de agosto al 18 de agosto de 2024. Esta semana, exploraremos un concepto avanzado de trading: el Indicador TD Sequential. Este indicador es ampliamente reconocido por identificar posibles tendencias del mercado y oportunidades de trading rentables.

El objetivo de esta competencia es evaluar tu conocimiento teórico y práctico del Indicador TD Sequential, con un enfoque particular en el trading del token Steem. Se espera que los participantes demuestren su comprensión de conceptos clave y apliquen este conocimiento en escenarios de trading del mundo real.

Invitamos a traders de todos los niveles, ya sean principiantes o experimentados, a participar en esta gratificante competencia y compartir sus ideas y estrategias con la comunidad. Los ganadores tendrán la oportunidad de ganar atractivas recompensas en Steem.

¡Únete a nosotros en esta emocionante semana y pon a prueba tus habilidades de trading con el Indicador TD Sequential! ¡Buena suerte a todos los participantes!



En el mundo acelerado y en constante evolución del trading de criptomonedas, las estrategias avanzadas son cruciales para navegar eficazmente en los mercados. El Indicador TD Sequential es una de esas estrategias, conocida por su capacidad para identificar tendencias críticas del mercado y puntos de inflexión utilizando un enfoque sistemático.

Cuando se aplica correctamente, el TD Sequential puede mejorar las estrategias de trading proporcionando un método estructurado y analítico para entrar y salir de posiciones en el mercado. Al identificar posibles reversiones y continuaciones, el TD Sequential ayuda a los traders a centrarse en movimientos de precios significativos mientras filtra señales falsas.

La competencia de esta semana destacará tanto los aspectos teóricos como prácticos del Indicador TD Sequential, demostrando cómo esta estrategia puede usarse para mejorar el rendimiento en el trading con el token Steem. El análisis de criterios de entrada y salida, junto con ejemplos reales de operaciones exitosas, proporcionará una comprensión profunda de este enfoque.

Explorar el Indicador TD Sequential en este contexto ofrece una valiosa oportunidad para fortalecer las habilidades de trading y descubrir nuevas formas de abordar los mercados de criptomonedas, especialmente con el token Steem.


¿Qué esperamos de la competencia?

  • Pregunta 1: Comprender el Indicador TD Sequential

    • Teoría: Explica qué es el Indicador TD Sequential y cómo se diferencia de otros indicadores de trading comúnmente utilizados. En tu explicación, menciona los conceptos de "TD Setup" y "TD Countdown" y su importancia en el contexto del trading de criptomonedas.
    • Práctica: Elige un par de criptomonedas que incluya STEEM (por ejemplo, STEEM/USDT) e identifica las secuencias TD Setup y TD Countdown en un gráfico de 4 horas. Describe las observaciones que haces y lo que significan para un trader.
  • Pregunta 2: La Psicología detrás del TD Sequential

    • Teoría: Describe la psicología subyacente al uso del Indicador TD Sequential. ¿Cómo puede este indicador influir en las decisiones de los traders y en la dinámica del mercado de criptomonedas?
    • Práctica: Basándote en un ejemplo reciente, discute cómo la psicología de los traders podría haber influido en el precio de STEEM cuando aparecieron señales del TD Sequential. Usa gráficos históricos para ilustrar tu punto de vista.
  • Pregunta 3: Explicación del TD Setup

    • Teoría: Describe en detalle las condiciones necesarias para que se complete un TD Setup. ¿Qué criterios específicos deben monitorearse y por qué son cruciales para un trader?
    • Práctica: En un gráfico diario del par STEEM/BTC, identifica un TD Setup reciente y explica cómo un trader podría haber utilizado esta información para tomar una decisión de trading. Incluye capturas de pantalla y un análisis de los resultados obtenidos.
  • Pregunta 4: Uso del TD Countdown para Predecir Puntos de Reversión

    • Teoría: Explica el proceso de TD Countdown y cómo se puede usar para predecir puntos de reversión en el mercado. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre TD Setup y TD Countdown en su aplicación práctica?
    • Práctica: En un gráfico de 1 hora para STEEM/USDT, encuentra una secuencia completa de TD Countdown y analiza cómo influyó en las decisiones de trading. ¿Observaste una reversión de tendencia al final del TD Countdown? Proporciona un análisis detallado.
  • Pregunta 5: Estrategias de Trading basadas en TD Sequential con Steem

    • Teoría: Describe una estrategia de trading que utilice el Indicador TD Sequential para operar el par STEEM/USDT. ¿Cómo podría optimizarse esta estrategia para maximizar las ganancias y minimizar los riesgos?
    • Práctica: Implementa esta estrategia en una cuenta demo o simulador de trading usando datos históricos recientes de STEEM. Presenta tus resultados, incluyendo el número de operaciones ganadoras/perdedoras, y analiza las razones del rendimiento de la estrategia.


Directrices de la Competencia

  • Esta sexta semana tendrá lugar del 12 de agosto al 18 de agosto de 2024.

  • El artículo debe tener al menos 500 palabras. Puedes escribir más. Tu artículo debe estar libre de cualquier forma de plagio.

  • El título de tu artículo debe ser Trading Steem con TD Sequential. Agrega la etiqueta #cryptoacademy-s19w6 y otras etiquetas relevantes.

  • Los participantes deben estar siguiendo correctamente #club5050 o #club75 o #club100.

  • Los participantes deben ser usuarios verificados y activos en la plataforma.

  • Los moderadores de la comunidad dejarán evaluaciones de calidad en tus artículos y posibles votos positivos.

  • Además, tu artículo debe recibir al menos 10 votos y 5 comentarios válidos para ser considerado válido en el concurso, así que asegúrate de interactuar con las entradas de otros usuarios. No te involucres en la compra de votos.


  • SC01 estará revisando las 7 comunidades participantes y votando por el contenido destacado. El voto positivo no está garantizado para todos los artículos. Toma nota de esto.

  • Al final de la semana, nominaremos a los 3 mejores usuarios que hayan tenido un buen desempeño en el concurso, y serán elegibles para votos de SC01/SC02.

Aviso Importante: La nominación de los 3 mejores usuarios en nuestra comunidad no se basa únicamente en buenas calificaciones; incluye su participación general (calidad y cantidad de sus interacciones con los artículos de otros usuarios) para medir el rendimiento general. También ten en cuenta que, en general, solo puedes hacer una publicación por día en el Steemit Engagement Challenge.


Conclusión y Perspectivas

Esta competencia basada en el Indicador TD Sequential y el token Steem representa una oportunidad única para profundizar los conocimientos de trading y perfeccionar técnicas avanzadas. Al explorar los aspectos teóricos y prácticos de este indicador, los participantes enriquecerán sus habilidades y descubrirán nuevas perspectivas para navegar en el dinámico mundo de las criptomonedas.

En el futuro, la aplicación de este conocimiento podría allanar el camino para estrategias de trading aún más innovadoras y efectivas. Esperamos ver el análisis y las operaciones que inspirará esta competencia y continuar fomentando el aprendizaje y la excelencia dentro de la comunidad Steemit.


Please note: Since the TD sequential has been removed from most analysis platforms like tradingview, I suggest you use the “Sequencer” indicator by LUX which uses the same technique.

 7 months ago 

Hello sir, based on this instructions, are we still discussing TD sequential indicator as it what the questions required while applying the Sequencer” indicator by LUX on the chart or we discussed the questions based on the Sequencer” indicator by LUX. Your clarification on this will be much appreciated 👍 sir.

thank you very much for information. 🙏🤝

"I’m having an issue with Question 5. I’ve checked numerous demo accounts and simulators, but unfortunately, none of them offer Steem trading."
guys please help

I believe if you have done with the 1st question then the same setup you can continue for 5th question. I guess you can use TradingView platform and add crypto Steem/USDT, then apply indicator luxalgo sequencer.

Actually for the first question the tool suggested is a paid one and it's not exactly the same as the TD Sequential Indicator. I usually use Binance for my analysis so I’m a bit confused since these specific tools aren't available there. For question 1 I might just manually create the indications by looking at the chart and marking them myself. I think that will give a clearer picture using the resources I have on Binance.

I have finished all four questions, but I'm having trouble with the last one. Since I can’t use the tools needed for this question on Binance, I’m thinking of skipping this week’s contest. It’s too hard to move forward without those tools.

Understood. Your right, its difficultt and hard for this week to submit the post as the requeire tool is not available. I guess for last one you can try with luxalgo sequencer. The mderator will understand the setuation as they also aware of this critiallity. At least your efforts in 4 questios will considerable.

Ok i understand but luxalgo is also not working for me... I am working on this contest for last three days..

luxalgo is also not working for me

That strange. Are you trying working on it from Binance chart or from TradingView?

If you are trying from Binance then I will suggest to use TradingView platform.

TradingView is completely new for me i am trying to explore it .. i was trying it on binance before you told me .

in treading view without subscription i am unable to use that tool

Screenshot (2671).png

There should be a basic plan which is free. I am currently using the same.

there's free plan in TradingView, my friedn. I've been using it for years.

@stream4u my friend. The problem is do we need to write about TDS9 (TD Sequencer) while providing practice example using LAS? Or do we need to change all aspects of the writing? If it is the second one to do, then I guess we need new assignment article. If it is the 1st one, then we also need the confirmation from the community admin. cc @kouba01.

yes, my friend all is clear.. thank you so much ...

Tomorrow I will seat full day and try to get it completed.

You wrote my nick wrong that's why I didn't get notified, My Friend. Sorry I just saw this. I guess you wouldn't have issues if you used TradingView. I've tried it.

Its ok this week i am not posting my entry .. its because i don't have available tool.. i already wrote 4 questions answered but for the last one i am not finding any demo accounts to trend steem.. so decided to not post my entry this week

I will definitely explore the TD Sequential Indicator, it’s new. By the way, Steem has shown a great and quick bounce back after the recent dip.

I am a vindictive man. Prepare to be beaten, Lad!

... Steem has shown a great and quick bounce back after the recent dip.


I will definitely explore the TD Sequential Indicator, I will definitely explore the TD Sequential Indicator, ...

We share the same passion, but it looks like this indicator is not available for free anymore.

but it looks like this indicator is not available for free anymore.

Really, I have not checked yet.

I have studied it a little and looks like an interesting topic but unfortunately, no longer available for free, my friend.

Seems it was available earlier and now removed due to some rights issue.

Hello @kouba01, can you provide any assisatance here or any workaround?

Yeah, unfortunately, the indicator was removed citing copyright. I suggest using the indicator “Sequencer” by LUX (I think it's almost the same).

Yes, I also find that one alternative which looks similar to TD Sequential but thought to confirm with you.

@aneukpineung78, do you want to confirm anything?

I have briefly checked out LuxAlgo Sequencer, if that's what Professor @kouba01 was referring to, and I think there is indeed a similarity with TDS or TDS9 designed by DeMark. It's available for free and can be applied at least on TradingView. So, I think everything is sorted out, and we can continue with this latest development.

That’s it, @stream4u. Good game.

I guess we need some adjustments to the announcement post, Professor, before we can confidently proceed with this week task, like what the title should be and so on. Thanks.

Let me know if any modification is done. Because FYI I am about to complete 1st question Theory.

It is looking very interesting to explore TD sequential indicator. I will be dropping my entry soon.

really? how soon do you plan?

In Sha Allah soon.

Would you mind telling me how do you plan on doing that, my freind?

Actually today I was going to start completing it but after reading the change in the indicator I have become confused that how will we answer the questions like TD setup and TD count while not using TD sequential.

you you undesrtand why i asked you all that quesytions

Hahaha 😂 actually at that time I did study it to continue but today when I was going to start it was ooo. So what do you think now?

I am pending everything. I think the team will come up with a solution.