Makuswei Tree Flower

in Dream Steem6 days ago


Once upon a time there was a princess of the Japanese kingdom who was always lazy to defend her own country. Her name was Sheika. Every time the Japanese kingdom fought another kingdom she did not help even though all the girls usually helped.
One day there were children who wanted to befriend Sheika then Sheika replied "why should I be friends with you, you are just village children" said Sheika while mocking the children.
The children were sad then Sheika's older brother named Hisemai came.
Then Hisemai asked "what's wrong why are these children crying?" asked Hisemai.
Sheika did not answer. She went straight to the park. She asked in her heart "why is no one taking care of me?" she asked in her heart. at night she sat alone in the park. Hisemai told her to go into the house. Sheika then went in and immediately went to sleep while locking her room. She dreamed that she was playing in the park with her brother.
And her brother said "do you want to join me to water the flowers?" asked Hisemai. "yes I want" answered Sheika.
They took water from the well. Then her sister watered the flowers and saw a flower that had not been watered. The Makuswei flower was rotting because it was not cared for. She thought this flower seemed like the one that was not cared for and loved like this Makuswei flower, she was sad. If I am considered a Makuswei flower if I die I beg you to make me a Makuswei tree flower.
Suddenly a fairy came. Then Sheika asked "who are you?" Sheika asked
"I am a fairy, do you have a request?" replied the fairy.
"Can you grant my request?" asked Sheika
"What can you request?" replied the fairy.
"If I die make me a Makuswei tree flower" replied Sheika.
"If that is your wish I will grant your request but there is one condition if you wake up you immediately go to the garden, look for clues, if you have found them read them!" replied the fairy.
Sheika woke up she immediately took a shower, had breakfast and she went to the garden. Sheika immediately looked for clues. After finding clues from the fairy she found a small scroll of letters in the Makuswei tree flower. Before you die you must apologize to everyone you have hurt and be a good child! After reading the letter Sheika changed.
After a few months Sheika sat in the park daydreaming. When in the middle of her daydream she met a fairy who was in her dream.
"Are you the fairy in my dream?" Sheika asked.
"Yes Sheika I am the fairy in your dream and I want to tell you that your life is over" said the fairy.
Sheika suddenly felt short of breath and coughed badly while coughing up blood. Brother Hisemai found Sheika in a dying state.
Brother Hisemai immediately called the guards to lift Sheika into the palace. Sheika was taken to the kingdom.
Suddenly in the midst of the sad incident Sheika opened her eyes. Hisemai saw her sister open her eyes.
"Sheika are you awake?" said Brother Heisamai.
"Brother I want to order that the makuswei flower be taken care of" said Sheika softly.
"Sheika whatever I do is for you" said Brother Hisemai while shedding tears that had wet her cheeks.
After saying that, Sheika immediately closed her tears. A few moments later, Sheika became a makuswei tree flower. Everyone wondered why Sheika became a makuswei tree flower, was the mandate that Sheika said also for herself who felt unprotected.
Suddenly, Hiseimai said, "This is a test for us because we didn't protect Sheika," said Hisemai.
Since that incident, they have taken care of any plants in the garden. They also don't differentiate between which country the plants are from. Maybe this way so that there are no more victims.
Life is not hindered by the victims of the makuswei tree flower. Sheika's makuswei tree flower is now happy because her wish came true, being cared for and loved by everyone.