On The Train...

in Dream Steem2 months ago

Drew sighed, the journey had been three hours long; two more to go.
And throughout the journey so far, he'd been quiet and by himself on the train. With a side glance, he sneered at the guy with headsets, singing out loudly to the music he was listening to; and then to the lone child wailing non-stop. Apparently his mom dropped him off the train then went to get some snacks, only for the train to be moving already before she could also get back in. It was pitiful but wailing for more than an hour could be tiring. Someone should stop the kid. Definitely not him. The conductor had tried his best to, but stopped upon realizing it was futile.

He'd have to go along to wherever the train is stopping then back to the train station.
He shook his head at the snots and tears all over the kid's face.

“Would someone shut that thing up?!” A man in his average years yelled out in pure annoyance while he shut his laptop. “I didn't sign up for a noisy ride”

No one did, but chill and tone down with the malice; Drew frowned.

While he realized no one was going to respond to him he turned to the kid who was seated on the floor instead
“Shut it, will you?! Or I'd have you thrown out of the train through this window” he scowled. His action did nothing but triggered a louder wail from the kid.

By now, the veins on his head were almost visible and he turned away from the kid then angrily towards the lad on headset. Unfortunately, he was sitting before him and he brashly hit his seat to get his attention which he did.
“Tone down, will you?”

“Oh sure. No problem” the lad replied but he went on with his loud singing still.

“Worst time ever on the train..” the man grumbled beneath his breath after glancing away from the conductor who had resigned to dozing off on the seat at the first row.

It was all annoying, but Drew couldn't help bursting out in a little laughter at the short drama. This caught the man and the kid's attention, but he only laughed harder at the disapproved scowl on the man's face which only deepened.
At that moment, something else happened. The kid stopped crying and naively laughed with Drew, laughing longer than he did. Anyone would be pretty sure he didn't even know why Drew did. Maybe his laughter was contagious; but not to the man.

Taking advantage of the peace, Drew smiled back at him.
“There…. Enough okay?” He reached for his handkerchief, holding it out to the kid.
“Clean all that” he gestured towards his snot and the boy did.
“Good boy” he cheered, patting his head. He reached into his pocket again, bringing out his half eaten cookies and handing it to the boy who got busy with it already.

“Finally some peace…” the man grumbled out pettily as he went back to his laptop.

The train let out a loud honk as it stopped for the first time in this journey. Some people would be alighting now.
Few minutes passed before the train started moving again and this time the boy on headsets finally removed them.
“Wait, did we just pass Waterloo?! I'm supposed to alight there!”
He lamented, but no one answered except a loud mocking laughter from the man behind him. “Well, you met your Waterloo.”

‘tsk tsk!’
Guess he'd be the one to babysit the kid when everyone finally reaches their destination. They'd go back together.

The train sounded once again after an hour. To Drew, it was his time.

Source: flyermaker

Posted using SteemMobile


Oh man! That one made me laugh!
"You met your Waterloo". LMAO. :D))))
Have a great weekend.

Thanks and you should also have a great week ahead!