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RE: Eine wahnsinnige Kindheit | My insane youth

in Dream Steem2 months ago

I will not say that I lived in a neighbourhood like yours with drugs but I recognize a lot of it comes to the mother and and the warnings given if there was an inspection (Child protection - a big joke).

It takes courage to write this, I once did (actually twice and before that I wrote "A Kid's Diary") and it wasn't received well.

The world loves to close its eyes for reality especially if it comes to parents, home (the sacred whatever it may be notballowed to speak about).





Yes, unfortunately child protection is such an important thing, but in my case it was treated like a joke... Sometimes i get really angry when i think at that time and i wish i would've done things different, but i guess i was too afraid to get beaten again by the mother...

I wish i would've known better back then and told my father at our daily call that nothing is right, instead of everything is right, but back then i had a feeling that i must lie to him. He has had a lot of trouble because of the mother, like i've heared her talk to her lawyer and she made my father looks bad in front of the lawyer, because he doesn't do the things the court has ruled over. But instead he really did everything right, like the court said he must do it. Also he didn't had really a right to see me. I could go to him every second weekend and we saw us once every wednesday in the week between. If he would've tried to see me more the mother would've made a story because it isn't that what the judge decided...

The "wednesday-meeting" was also only arranged since i needed more male contact (according to the welfare center). So i got ONE day more where i could saw him. So in total it went up from 4 days a month to 6 days a month where i could see him. Wow... Wish it woul'vd been the other way: been with the mother those 4-6 days a month and stay by my father the rest of the month.

At least now i have the "right" to do what i want, even if it's against the law. Like back then it was against me, so now i'm against it and they should dare to stop me from that! Not like i would kill someone or something like that, but at least let me keep my joints.
I also hate it to pay taxes. Not because it's money i don't get, to be clear i think universal healthcare is something good. But then again the jugde will get paid from my tax-money, like the Carabinieri get paid from that too. And i don't want that my money get's wasted for such dumb shit...

Law is a strange thing. There are many laws and next to that rules. The Netherlands has at least 10K and we are all should know them. If that's the case why does one need an advocate?
My experiences with those people (justice) are that they rarely do something. I always had to point out what the law is, what is said, why and how. I have strong doubts about the average advocate, lawyer, journalist, teacher, those claiming to show up when aid is needed (no matter child, animal or adult).

My experiences with child protection aren't good either. I still see that dumb woman and find it unbelievable that she wasn't able to feel the atmosphere to notice a scared to death child.
Unlike you my father left with the words: take good care of your mother and let me take the responsibility for what he started. He wrote a few times and in the 2nd or 3rd letter he did no longer write "dad" underneath but his front name. He already had a new girlfriend (19 years younger) so why the burden of the old family.
I will be the last one to say that my mother is a great person but she became more crazy and violent because he used her to work many years, provide for the family while he could study. As soon as he had his papers he left.
That woman of child support I met years later as she came to ask my opinion about changing my sibling's family name. Two years later the decision could be made by the child and that's what I told her and I let her stand outside. No way, I let that blind monster inside. Except for my mother, there was family I could live with if she had acted.
There's a lot of harm due to these professionals and to parents who don't care. Mine always shouted she would put me on the trains and send me to my father or I had to pack my suitcase because she hated me. So one day I did as told. I went to the attack and took my suitcase and started packing it without saying a word. The result? She shouted she would never forgive me and kicked me off the stairs while beating me with a dog chain.
I learned that even if the entire neighbourhood knows no one will act. It wasn't back then and it isn't today not even with all those anonymous numbers where it can reported. The social helpers, teachers, even the police they all know and no one acts too scared for their own safety.
The police told me literally: Every parent hits his child no and then.
There's a lot of money wasted where a community could step in. If responsibility is the task of police or? Family, neighbours, teachers will stop to act. The fear of an adult is more important than the fear of a child. It's kind of sad.

It would be good if all the support would be stopped and if there's something needed it should be people with feelings able to register which is something (instinct, sensitivity) that is wiped out in every education. Feelings don't seem to count.

I don't see joints as a drug although it's given with us as painkiller as well. Are they forbidden where you live?

I wish you a good weekend and thanks for the talk.

Hi, thanks for sharing your story! Yeah, it's really unbelievable how the police and others do their job, as if they wouldn't get paid for doing their job. But, the funny part i didn't even write here because i forgot it somehow: I went to the Carabinieri once with around 16 years or something and wanted clarification why they do nothing about my uncle, in the sense of "must really a teenager tell you how to do your job!?" Their answer in a really annoyed tone (like he would be really pissed for me coming to them): If we don't catch him when he does the crime we can do nothing. Like... Really!? Then do something to catch him while he do the crime!? I mean, it's not that we called them once every while. One month they really came every weekend. Like that's not a single case anymore... But hey, nearly bring me to minor court for a middlefinger i showed them afterwards.

Years later i went to the disco, which is near their workplace. After the disco i really must've go to the toilet. So i pissed on the walls of their workplace with a middlefinger up in the air^^ at least i got that, i guess ;)

And yeah, weed is unfortunately illegal where i live. Or... Unfortunately... I mean, if i want i get it anyway, so at least i can break the law^^ it's not like i like to smoke it in public, i prefer a quiet place like home for that, it's more chill. But when i was younger i smoked it everywhere. Good old times^^

Thanks, i wish you a great weekend too ;)

): If we don't catch him when he does the crime we can do nothing.

I heard the same bullshit. They literally told me they could only act if I was attacked preferably killed. 🤔
I wonder if this is taught at the police academy but also what they get paid for. I only hear they are busy but if 112 is called and you ask for the police you are told they will not come.

The Dutch slogan: with 112 you save lives is a huge overstatement.


Kopie van #comment - cat read and support.jpg

Yeah, they are really lazy. A friend back then told me once that in his village someone broke into a house. It took over an hour for the police to came (which station is settled 5 minutes in car from where they broke in...).
This is so unreal for me! I mean, when someone needs something from my workplace and it's urgent (like when someone breaks in it's urgent for the police to come to save the evidences etc.) i will also act like it's urgent. Like perhaps i have something urgent to finish, then i will finish that before. But else i would instantly help to the urgent. I mean, i get paid for doing that. I mean, i can understand if the station isn't settled in the same village and it took them about an hour to arrive, ok. They have something else to do at the moment and arrive later, ok (but i doubt in this case they had something else to do, since it's a small village).

But hey, they get on my friends nerves once (or even often) because he looked like someone who does drugs, i mean ok, he has done that and died of an OD some years ago, unfortunately, but that wasn't the case why they stopped him. They stopped him just for the looks (wide throusers in all colors), he hasn't even carried drugs by himself that day, so they had no clear motive for making a whole body search on him. It was just because of a pair of stupide throusers...

What's no less insane in my country is that if robber comes into your house and you get into a fight with them and they die, then you have to spend time in jail for murder, so it's better if robber comes into your house to give them something to eat and drink and show them where you keep your money, and avoid any conflict at all costs.

@dissi. This comment of yours has been nominated in our weekly curatorial report. Read it here.

 last month (edited)

That's in Italy the same shit.
I mean, first of all, if you enter my house without permission i should have a right to defend it! But no, it's like you said: you have to give them cookies and a glass of milk and then tell them where your valuable things are stored. Yeah, there is police for your "right". Try to call them, when you're lucky they came some hours later, but most of the time they do nothing, even if they came somewhen to you... But hey, showing them as a teen a middlfinger somehow brings you in front of youth court, like... Come on, it's a stupid finger, what does it to you!? But yeah, probably they get remembered of their small pp because of it, i don't know xD

Thanks for the nomination :)

So I guess the Jason Bourne movies tell some truth to some extend about this condition. Haha. But at least in the movies police come when the scene is still "hot". Oh my god, this makes me laugh. Haha.

Darn it, you are right, it's just a stupid finger, why bother?

You deserve the nomination. And basically not only for this comment in particular which acts as part of the post.

Have a great day.