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RE: This is Natural Intelligence speaking! / Hier spricht die Natürliche Intelligenz!

in Dream Steem2 months ago

we don't seem to share the same values and standards

That's it. And I think this difference will increase over time. Between those of us who grew up with pocket calculators or electronic wristwatches at most (oh, I loved them back then) and the current generations who grow up with phones and tablets in their pockets. It's just that standards change over time, sometimes drastically. We can even exclude representatives of poor countries, who often lack any moral inhibitions to earn $1 more, whether in your community or elsewhere.
I think you and I are going to have more and more trouble in the future with all of this. Until our generation simply one day disappears with its "outdated" understandings and is replaced by another.
Anyway, good luck to your community and I hope this call of yours helps in some way for its development in the future!

P.S. I love this handsome guy in the picture 😻


We're outdated... ;-((( It's painful to hear or to say: we were so hot just "yesterday"...!

I love cats! 😘
Ich liebe Katzen! 🐱

Ha ha, me too! But what does this have to do with my comment? 😃

So hot, we were!