DILETTANTE: Master of None, Lovers of Many...

in Dream Steemlast month (edited)

Please don’t mind one shelf being a little askew—the two clamps on the back were supposed to be crossed, but, well… they aren’t. It was our first of many to come!


I had never heard this word before.

The definition says something… but what I understood is: a wannabe artist?

Art comes in so many forms—

The art of speaking
The art of writing
The art of storytelling
The art of poetry

But for me (not that anyone asked for my opinion), the most difficult and highest form of art has always been painting and drawing, capturing an image, a moment, a person. It's the zenith! You may think otherwise; definitions of art can vary, just like the concept itself.

And this is the kind of art that cannot truly be learned… Either you are an artist, or you are not! You are born with these skills. You may refine them, tailor them, and perfect them. But no, you can't learn them or even unlearn them. Again, just my opinion.

Someone like me, utterly talentless in this regard, can only watch in awe. Or as they say a wannabe artist.

دل بہلانے کو یہ خیال اچھا ہے غالب

"To comfort the heart, this thought is good, Ghalib."

But that's not what this post is about. I have to tell you a story indeed!

He had spent his life chopping wood. He never questioned it, just swung his axe, felled trees, and sold the logs. His father had done it, his grandfather had done it, and his forefathers before them.

One day, he saw a sculptor in the market, carving a magnificent wooden horse. The muscles, the flowing mane: wow, just wow. It looked alive. He touched it and was just awe struck.

Mesmerized, he asked, “This is wood?”

The sculptor chuckled. “Wood is just the beginning. Art is what you bring out of it.” Art? What is art?

That night, he couldn’t shake the thought. Had he wasted his life cutting what could have been masterpieces?

The next day, he bought chisels, sat before a log, and began carving. Hours passed. His hands ached. The more he chipped away, the uglier it got. A horse? No, it looked like a lumpy potato. Ugh!

Day after day, he tried. The sculptor even gave him tips. But no matter how hard he worked, his carvings remained lifeless...

One evening, after weeks of frustration, he stared at a wooden block in defeat. “Why can’t I do this?”

The sculptor sighed. “Because art isn’t just in the hands. It’s in the soul. You can sharpen tools, but not what isn’t there.”

He looked at his axe, at the clean, sharp lines it made with a single swing. That, at least, he knew.

The next morning, he picked up his axe again.

He would never be an artist, not even a dilettante, but he could give wood to those who were.

The sculptor said, "Artist or not, you are definitely a woodcutter through and through. You tame these towering giants for us to play with. You, my man, are a true craftsman."

Did he just call him an artist without actually using the word? I think: Yes.

Wait! I just came up with a better explanation for the term dilettante! It’s essentially the same as "jack of all trades, master of none."

Which makes my choice of title for this post an easy one. Hihi.

See for yourself if you haven’t yet!

Ugh! Now I am wondering...

Am I a dilettante? Is it a good thing or a bad one? What difference does it make? Who cares — as long as it's fun! 😉


One begins the path to art as a dilettante, like a toddler must first crawl. Gauging painted china before his steps to Tahiti. But there are many ways to paint and not all require paint, so use trowel, some use brush, an acetylene torch but all must be a dilettante, or do they? Good post, yes. Perhaps the woodcutter should have whittled a bit first? Are we not all happier when we love what we do for work? Then it is play.

Oh God, you've packed so many philosophical thoughts into just a few lines! I've been reading and rereading, completely awestruck—just like the woodcutter.

I agree that everyone starts as an amateur (a dilettante) in art, just as a child must crawl before walking. Learning and practice are necessary steps. I also agree that art is diverse and not limited to traditional painting, and that an artist must hone their craft.

But you have to agree with me on this:
Either you are an artist, or you are not!!!

Of course I agree with you on that! Hehehe

The creator lives inside every human being. After all, there is a piece of God in everyone. We are created in the image and likeness of God :)
I'm talking about the creator and the artist inside. This artist does not own a brush or chisel, he is just an artist. And if he doesn't imitate anyone, but just himself, he will prove himself to be a great artist in some ways.
But for this, he must have the opportunity and freedom.

Внутри каждого человека живёт творец. Ведь в каждом есть частичка Бога. Мы созданы по образу и подобию божиему :)
Это я про творца и художника внутри. Этот художник не владеет кистью или стамеской, он просто художник. И если он не будет никому подражать, а будет просто собой - он проявит себя великим художником в чём-то.
Но для этого у него должна быть возможность и свобода.

Very well said!

Thank you for showing up. Where have you been, by the way???

I didn't go anywhere))
I just became less active in communication. It happens sometimes :)
And I don't have a Discord, it's blocked in my country.

Я никуда не уходил ))
Просто стал менее активным в общении. Так иногда бывает :)
И Дискорда у меня нет, он заблокирован в моей стране.