A tale of love and betrayal

in Dream Steem9 days ago

The trunk of ancient Jand tree is now vacuolated from the inside, yet it still bears the burden of green leaves. It is the only living witness to the shattered love of Mirza and Sahiba.


The story began a few centuries ago when Mirza arrived in Jhang at his aunt’s home for basic religious education. He and his young cousin, Sahiba, attended the same madrasa (institution) for studies. It is said that whenever the Qari (tutor) caned Mirza for his mischievous behavior, scars would appear on Sahiba’s skin as well.

Time flew, and a new chapter began when Sahiba’s family arranged her marriage to another man. She wrote a letter to Mirza, about her the wedding ceremony. She also wrote that if he could, "he should come and take her with him". Mirza was busy with his sister’s wedding, but when he received the letter, he left everything and rode to Jhang(khiwa the village). Fast forward ⏩......Mirza successfully took Sahiba from her home and set off for Dana Abad, his hometown.

Here enters the other hero-turned-villain of the story"Khan Shamir" , Sahiba’s elder brother. He received a message about his beloved sister. It was a hard hit to his honor. Without a second thought, he gathered a small group of companions and began chasing the lovers.

Mirza’s loyal horse galloped at full speed, and within a few hours, they reached the border of his homeland. Now he was satisfied that nobody could touch them because of his influential family.Tired from the journey, Mirza decided to rest beneath the Jhand tree that you saw at the outset. While chatting, Sahiba expressed her desire to witness her lover’s famous archery skills.

She pointed to a dove on a branch and said, “Take aim at that beauty, but remember—only the tiny ant in her beak should fall, and no harm should come to the dove.” Mirza took out his bow and arrow, and within a second, he hit the target with perfect accuracy. Sahiba was stunned by his perfection. Mirza smiled and said he wanted to rest for a while, and when he woke up, they would continue their journey to home. Sahiba nodded silently.

Mirza slept—and so did his fate. Sahiba began to think and overthink. She could clearly see that if Khan Shamir got them, even with a hundred men, Mirza would not give them a chance to escape. She began breaking the arrows of the man she loved the most in the whole world. She was restless—fully aware of what she was doing, yet she couldn't stop herself.

When only one arrow remained, she stood up and hung his bow on a branch, making sure that if Mirza woke up, he wouldn’t find it easily. And then, the neighs of Khan Shamir’s horses filled the air.

Mirza woke up and, with a horrified gaze, looked at Sahiba. The rolling tears on the rosy checks of Sahiba told him a lot. She folded her hands in front of him and, in a pleading tone, whispered that she had been obliged for the love of her brother.
Mirza didn't comprehend what she was talking about ,in the meanwhile Khan Shamir and his men reached them. Mirza stood up and searched for his arrows. But moonstruck and betrayed, he stared at the broken arrows in disbelief—his love had undone his only chance of survival. He shook his head in disbelief . Without any delay, Khan Shamir plunged his dagger into Mirza’s back.

Mirza’s throat filled with his own blood. He turned to Sahiba, held her folded hands, and tried to say something, but the words came out mixed with blood, losing all meaning. His eyes reflected pain, and just pain.Mirza collapsed at the feet of the lady whose love had turned his world upside down.

And then Khan Shamir took aim at Sahib's heart.

"To this day, the old Jand tree still stands, watching over the small tomb of paved bricks, where Sahiba rests eternally beside Mirza."


where Sahiba rests eternally beside Mirza."

Correction: Stupidity rests eternally beside mirza.

I don't get these lovers(girls), why they act so annoying and stupid, if she was that loyal to her brother then why she ran away with mirza.

Where was her loyalty at that time honey?

And if she dared to date mirza then she atleast could show courage and be loyal to mirza instead.

But nah, these women will make their men suffer first followed by themselves.

Them be ready to die for each other than living with each other(which is another way of committing suicide)😉