Happy New Year to you all!

in Dream Steem3 months ago (edited)

While the Time is running fast, i've thought to share with you, beside my #music as well some of my #poems ...

Therefore, last night it came out this poem in a very #creative way and i've thought to share it with you.

"My Future Christmas that travelled to the Past"

In the Victorian era of old,
Christmas was a sight to behold.
Candles and lights adorned the Christmas tree,
Magical gifts were there for you and me.
Carols sung on Christmas Eve,
Stories told by grandma's weave.

Sitting by the wooden fire,
Imagining elves that never got tired,
Bringing the gifts from Santa's hand,
In a Victorian world that was so grand.

Fast forward to the year 2025,
Contemplating how our time flies.
Will Christmas be the same,
Or will it be just a game in vain?

In a world of forgotten joy,
Will simple gifts be destroyed?
Let's hold on to those sacred traditions,
And let us keep the Christmas alive in our visions.

Hope you've enjoyed my little poem.

Enjoy as well some of my music.

Here's a #music #playlist with carols that i've arranged and composed as well some parts within' ...

Happy New Year!

 3 months ago 

Welcome to Dream Steem! We feel honoured by the visit of a great musician who also tries his hand at words ;-)) You've come to the right place! Have a wonderful New Year too!

tries a hand at words? Do you mean this? I try to understand what you mean but somehow I can't lay my hands on it. You?

Screenshot (59).png

Hi Kitty, attentive as always ;-)) This AI thing will keep us on our toes for a while yet: I wouldn't have expected such rapid development myself. What it can and does today is quite remarkable. The fact is that we cannot ban or banish it - it is becoming increasingly difficult to prove. I have often pointed out that inexperienced writers who let AI help them and readers who often consume their texts will quickly adapt the style of AI...

I see two possibilities: either we trick the AI (which I think is very possible) and organise our requirements in such a way that they cannot be met with AI. Or - we USE it purposefully and in a decent, creative way to generate art.

The road there is rocky and difficult... So we are groping our way forward step by step ;-))

There is AI and AI and the question is when is it art and when is it the easy way out?

Whatever people do is up to them but it can be mentioned and I don't reward what is easily generated. I don't believe new writers adapt the writing style of AI but AI the style it was fed with and next generates it's own. If it isn't mention or there's no proof and the feeling remains it's simply no upvote.
Btw, it's not only AI but also the using others to write content and today I bumped into an artist I have a weird feeling about. I will see how that will develop.

Can AI be of help? For sure. Can it be tricked? Also and there are plenty of ways.
I also noticed that it remembers my last searches if it comes to pictures and it always feels as if it tries to lecture and brainwash me. For sure the average user of bing will not notice that.

Gemini is also a challenge especially the free version which isn't allowed to show humans but will if you change your question.

I once tried out the text generator by giving it a list of sentences and words it should exactly use as given. My idea was to check if it coukd build complete sentences around it. This might be a creative test/challenge since with a high amount of own sentences one could say the story is dictated.

If it comes to art the question is: What is art?
We discussed this in Art & Artists, before jaynie and I did, yesterday I did with my daughter. There is a difference between Art and "quickly" generated AI art and there is no doubt that this platform will be flooded by AI text, stolen text, pixabay pictures used to win photo contests and and and...

And we already know that there will not be a huge lack of writers and readers but they will no longer exist.

The solution? There isn't any since it's not a creative platform and literally everything else is rewarded. So if that is what people see why should they write?



Is this real or artificial?

Guess this @wakeupkitty.pal

A wakeupkitty is trying to play a role
Like those from the past from the land of Teerole?
Olaaaariiieeeiiihiii, hi kitty, kitty
Is this Ei, Ai or
is this Oi, Ioi?
Be kind to us all
and stop being a kitty with a weird goal :)))

Hope you understand jokes ... created spontaneously by a crazy artist :)

Sure, you can joke but the fact you respond says enough.
How about reading what @weisser-rabe wrote in her last contest about the use of AI? You posted in that community.

If you read (try the comments you might be surprised about the latest news and what is worked on) you might perhaps understand what is going on. I don't care if you like AI or not but don't pretend you like the Victorian time and wrote that line and the rest of the text yourself since this is not the case.

More than one text of you is created by AI. Why fooling people and not being honest and simply say: I like AI , nstead of letting people believe you have a hand in words? It's really not that difficult to write a few lines yourself.

P.S. Do you notice the difference between the last two replies you wrote and the "poetry"?

We should not get into this paranoia mood ... That was not my intention. I am a crazy artist but you interpret weird everything.

It's funny how suddenly everyone felled into this trap with AI thing ...

No one was ever saying anything about the synthetic music ... but suddenly everyone pretends to listen to Wagner, Mahler, Scriabin, Coltrane and many other hard music genres :)))

By simply fact that i was composing some phrases mixing Victorian era and the fact that my father passed away and i left myself inspired to combine present moments with something vintage from Victorian times i don't think it's a problem ...

Anniway, thanks for following my channel back and for enjoying my art :)

Pitty that we pretend to navigate in a so called de-centralized spectrum, when in fact everything it's more centralized and more obsessive on things that actually are the results of all this sheherezade ...

I'll step out from that community so i won't disturb anyone anymore with my art ...

Have a good time wherever you are ... @wakeupkitty.pal

It indeed is a pity that time and energy is invested in what is better to ignore especially if it comes to your posts since your focus is not on poetry or?

Be as crazy as you like if it comes to that we can shake hands and there are many communities where you can post your art.
Let me know.
A great, artistic day

@ wakeupkitty


Regards @steemcurator08

Thanks for your comment. I wish i could see more often upvotes on my past blogs related to my arts ... but at this moment i don't even know where to create the trail for curation anymore ... not even to specify the fact that steem-engine vanished and i don't know what took place instead of that platform ...

Now, regarding this thing with communities it's pretty funny ...

I'll write a blog maybe about this ...

We pretend to develop a so called new world of internet with freedom of speech, altruism and so on ... When in fact it's been developing a "meritocratic" virtual society with bits and pieces of habits from all kind of social behaviors from the Past.

I cannot understand communities where the language it's set up as english but actually everyone write in totally another language and when you post already there is a jaz polizei :)) who speaks weird things about the etic things and so on ...

For me this is more like a social-internautic racism ... it sounds more like a joke ... but everyone will get the idea soon or later ...

Regarding my poems, i've deleted espescially the one i've composed it as a memorie for a soul dear to me who passed away recently ... I won't say again who it was ... I've decided to delete it from that blog ... I've realized that after all these years when i've posted my stop-motion videos, my music, anything i've been creating ... even poems or random texts ... should not be shared with a virtual society which pretends to be altruistic or to appreciate art ... I've realized on thing ... The most appreciated arts ( if i can call them so) are the ones who are the most silly and with a sub-mediocre value ...

I did research on how to write a haiku style text or a sonnet ... I wrote my poems and arranged them in that specific styles ...

I'll keep study as i do in my music as well, knowing that as much as i am digging and re-discovering myself through a personal Neo-Renaissance i know that there are so many things to be discovered in my inner soul of knowledge ... Therefore, i will never say that i know everything ... which for me means an infinite re-inventing myself ...

And, yes, i've never pretend it that i am Federico Garcia Lorca or Rumi ...

All the best to you all

@weisser-rabe @steemcurator08 @wakeupkitty.pal


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.