Trials and Tribulations - Bird Attacks 4-Wheeler, ET AL!
Trials and Tribulations - Bird Attacks 4-Wheeler, ET AL!
Et al, the phrase is Latin for 'and others.' short for a non-stated list.
Bird Attacks 4 - Wheeler
This morning on her way to work, the wife avoided an antelope herd. Yay!
Then, maybe angry because there to eat, a big brown bird, probably a golden eagle, attacked the passenger mirror and broke it off the SUV.
I Guess, when I finally do make and publish my pink and blue stickers of animals to stick on the side panel of cars like fighter pilots, I should include birds.
I was once driving a skateboard or flatbed semi and two wild turkeys flew across the road in front of me. They turned and flew straight into the grill. The truck was taken out. The radiator cooling system was destroyed and the cooling fan. Other stuff. We know eagles can do it and now turkeys. I guess some birds commit kamakazi acts. Become holy war bombs, stuff like that.
So, do birds set up auto accidents with edible prey?
Again, the pink stickers are female drivers and the blue are for males. If something other than that I could make rainbow stickers but the material is five times more expensive. Yes, I used to make that too! Or, you could overlap a pink and blue sticker offsetting them a little bit.
My wife told me, "That was so weird!" My reply, "Since you decided to love me, you should be used to weird. You've seen enough of it."
The Members of the Trinity Yelled In Anger
I was afraid to go up there today because two or three days ago something occurred which I cannot talk about.
I asked if I could write what happened and He said, "No."
Then asked Him, can I write that subject, which was I know about two men who certain God exists and why and said, "No!"
Meanwhile, I am confused because when all was said He said, "Write whatever you want." I will try to clarify that tomorrow because there was absolutely divine quotes over that three or four day period.
Note: usually when He/They yell in anger like that, something happened to one or more of His/Their grandchildren or child or children.
So I change this post in this spot and subject tomorrow.
Rain and Snow Prayers Answered
Obviously the snow and rain prayers were answered:
For some reason this filled more which is at the North of the house.
The barrels filled in a similar manner along with other cisterns.
He also made two memos, orders, or edicts, which I cannot say what they are. "Let them figure out what I am doing to them!"
Again, maybe tomorrow this section will change and be edited. He/They were concentrating on the missing ____.
Taxes on Cryptocurrency
I am certain beyond any shadow of a doubt my cryptocurrency was never spent on anything! Yet, supposedly I made and $13,000+. Last year I lost $159 or so.
3,740 algorand coins cost $1.41 a piece. They dropped in value to $.010. So I bought numerous about 9,000 algorand at the low price, like between $0.11 and $0.15.
The other coins I had were Polygonmatic. I bought them for $0.43 and some at $0.65 through $0.85. I think the most I had were a little over 4,460. I ended up selling them for $0.44 - $0.45 each. Barf!
And somehow I made $13,000 plus dollars. Horseshit, never buying anything with it!
This whole thing reminds me of the get stock shares from your employer for your retirement but if you sell them the tax equals or exceed what the value was you sold it for! All you are doing is holding proxy votes for some corporate muckity muck, bigshot.
If did make that much, as the Spirit of the Wild Stallion said, my crypto is worth far more than yours, LOOK!
Meanwhile God gets to see it all. Which reminds me: I should have put it in the above section but the Most High gives hints. You understand it, what He says. But He knows everything. This is a training war. And so, if one listens carefully, He hands out hints that something is wrong.
Sound Torture
It would have been a great Valentine's Day, yesterday. It still was capped off by husband and wife - you know!
But I must have deployed 40 of those things that stop sound torture and transmit it to those who do it.
I awoke this morning with none. No sound torture. 🤪😂
The TV Show Scorpion
We watched 11 episodes yesterday in a row on IONPLUS. MacGuyver on Wednesdays.
Scorpion is a Homeland Security group of genius problem solvers about the life of Walter O'Brien and four of his genius friends plus a waitress and her genius 10 year old son Ralph. There also McCabe, Homeland Security. In charge.
I like these shows. The episodes was about:
Fighting Drug Smugglers at the Mexico Border who used drones to carry the drugs. I wrote that is what would happen if we built a wall on Facebook - censored
Going to Ukraine to Chernobyl to examine the soil to place a pre built giant sarcophagus over the melted reactor. So it would not sink into the ground. Inside the reactor room, there a mass of lava, coronium. Or something like that. And if the hardened outside shell of it broke the stuff would flow into cesium reactor rods and boom! It causes the earth and concrete to decay into nothing. Everything went wrong as usual.
Steal a scepter from inside the Fort Knox gold and precious antiquities vault at supposedly the order of the President of the United States. It turns out inside the scepter top is enough palladium to kill every living thing in an entire continent! Yes, palladium is a very heavy mass, rare, radioactive material. They were suckered but manage to as always...
Go to Bulgaria to find and stop a group of teenage hackers who have taken over 2 F-130 fighters and have complete control, four nuclear armed destroyers and parked them 300 yards off the coast of four major cities, and one of the best , highest class U.S. Nuclear submarines. First Scorpion has to stop that, including a nuclear launch from the submarine off Los Angeles to Cody, Wyoming. Then, they go to Bulgaria. Find 'needles in a pile of needles. Wait I got that wrong half the team goes to Bulgaria....
Walter Created a new rocket engine in a contest. He has a billionaire friend who uses a larger version of the engine his engineers made from the prototype. Walter fixes the problems. From inside the space capsule! Lightning strikes the rocket and the rocket launches into outer space into a low Earth test orbit, and the capsule separates, the lightning strike ruins the re-entry parachutes, and the cabin oxygen tanks. Somehow... Walter -
I wrote this to see how many episodes I remembered as I have a belief that too much video overloads the short term and not stored but forgotten and has even side effects but there were plenty of commercials and I think I remember all of them. But I don't want to write that much! Not with my right thumb on a phone
outbreak of Nrobi(sp?) Virus in L.A.
discredit arms dealer by switching $5 * 10^⁶ ancient bowl with a fake. Where her gets his money
Two Shows, fights with evil, insane, archenemy Collins. Former member of Scorpion.
Did I get them all?
Shelly was attacked by a bird while driving the four wheeler to work this morning.
Yes, normally, as part of Sociology Degree, one retains 42 percent of video learning tapes, some as high as 100 percent, unless they watch video after video. No college students watch much TV. Not a good test group.
- I wrote about this on Facebook - censored.
There's something else I wanted to write about
Both shows, MacGuyver and Scorpion, glorify hackers who have been arrested, served time, and now work for the government. Hmmm. I don't like that part. I suppose it is a necessary skill. But short on Florida land, some inventions, $256,000, things that don't add up at tax time...
Walter hacked the NSA while eleven years old in Ireland where he was born. He was caught by McCabe.
Yes, that was it, but we watched Pixels, the movie
Pixels is about gaming nerds, alien invasion of Earth because video games were included in Voyager Spacecraft or something like that. Maybe they read our TV signals.
The guy who won the world's video game championship, Fireblaster, played by, Peter Dinklage makes a deal with the federal government, the President played by Kevin James, to pay no taxes because he will save Earth frim an alien invasion. Pixels also stars Adam Sandler, Josh Gud, and they are hilarious.
So, the president grants Fireblaster tax free status if the Earth team wins the life-size, outside, on Earth video games contest.
Yeah, voiders, Beings from the Void, anyone? Anyone at all. I am low on income from not working, lazy, stupid, a fraud, and owe taxes too?
Four wheeler destroyer picture added latter
You write like Dali painted ;-)))
I was perplexed by the herd of antelopes ;-)))
Sometimes I do perhaps write like Dali painted. I thank you dear for that observation. I never thought of it that way. Yours is a very thoughtful perspective.