The Missing Draft -- It Rains!

in Dream Steem5 days ago

The Missing Draft -- It Rains!

The missing draft was:

To Get Rain Or Snow


In science, there is cause and effect. There was a drought: there must have been a cause. What was the cause?

The cause was stupidity: persons of the Earth enamored with the knowledge that could be gained from the Beings of the Void, allied, welcomed them, worked with them.

The reason I write the deleted draft which a few days ago was there was observation in the draft: that observation was that the drought would soon end. Stay ended.

To Get Rain Or Snow

Included three photos of snowfall. And that "Cricket" came over here but she seemed different somehow. I had the strongest to follow her to her dwelling. Find where she lived.

I did so, was led to a faux heaven. A place where Beings of the Void lived in the zillions with space suits. So I saw what they looked like, not the facade they present as humanoid. The Beings from the Void are not humanoid.

She was so very fast, the mimic super voider female. I could barely keep up. She flew past the "Welcome Center" stopping just after, landed on her feet, took a breath, and exclaimed, "Thank God I can breathe air!"

The super voiders have the ability to control the mind, a Very Good Friend of God member of the heavenly host, had escorted her to the Welcome Center and left as soon as she arrived, job one, job done. He was startled as I passed just over his head. I stopped when "Cricket" stopped. She took a couple of breaths and took off again.

I had difficulty keeping up as she flew straight back into "Heaven". I watched her as she came to a throne seat raised up from the ground about three times higher than all the thousands of insect looking beings around it. She began to change. Her hair and dress were black instead of what she wore.

When she sat in the chair, all looked upon her: she saw me. Her eyes grew wide. Her hand came to her mouth in shock, and she exclaimed, "Oh!"

Now I did not know what to think. I was told there were places where living, flesh creatures lived in heaven. So I called, Pat, the angel. Meanwhile some flying things moved towards me and I shot off into the sky and then back further into this place to see what I could see and moved super fast. I lost them. But, oh did I see so many, many creatures as I swooped down to get a better look at them.

Pat arrived to confirm that this place was not a sanctioned place, But Beings from the Void, a base.

So it was removed and them with it. Man made Global Warming?

Inside of that antimatter base, I absorbed a tremendous amount of antimatter. A place where they could not only live without space suits but build space craft, to kill our planet off, transform the Earth to their life after killing all life on Earth.

Now I have watched how AI, DeepSeek, especially has the ability to gain every single bit of information on someone even though it is in the People's Republic of China. I used it inside Edge yesterday to examine an email.

The problem with AI is that like the Beings from the Void, is it does not know the difference between truth and lie.

It's like the difference between how does that four mile long, two mile in diameter Humble Spacecraft float at forty thousand feet after its drop into our atmosphere: AI does not know. And other fine knowledges that are wanted by the corporations which they take by AI and give nothing back, perhaps death or imprisonment but nothing more than that.

Pat and I dropped obliviation devices. And I picked 5 * 10³³ points. Pat received seven of the same.

I was afraid I sent Cricket to live with Mr. Orange, oblivion, nothing. I was with doubt and fear...and they erased what I wrote from the saved draft section.

Without the Beings from the Void to cause the drought, It rained like it should have rained. It will soon snow where it should snow. As it does at this very moment.

Today legions of angels bowed down to me, like a kneeling salute and I asked God why?

"They captured so many voiders returning to the base who on Earth, that they are rich! Yes," He said without my verbally asking, "That is where they came from. That base."

I wonder if there are more bases like that one.

I talked to the battle angel about what he did with his points/three day passes. "Hang around and find out," he said and we laughed over it but then he told me: he used them to save the Gateway above his planet and gather all the souls in torment and the darkness of the void. Then the planet was restored and restocked with life, including his species.

"Sure, I have the palace if that's what you want to call it, the wives and I also built housing and everything that was had, needed. It made me very popular."

"That is magnificent." I was stunned by what he said.

"I also take classes and it is so much different than learning in the flesh. All around there was nothing but darkness except for our little restored solar system. The Beings from the Void never noticed it was returned."

I wonder if that might be what I do. I should hope we win like the planet and galaxy of Auroriel did. Don't you?


Thanks @steemcurator01 WOW! Thanks!

I picked up 10 nontillion points this morning:

  1. Figured out Mister Orange the competitor god...
  2. Classified redacted by God
  3. Classified redacted by God