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RE: Being in love is a good thing, but it’s not the best thing

in Dream Steem4 months ago

Plato said trust was a component of love that was required. Yet Christ never says we are required to trust anyone. Love He said.

I watched a whole series by Father John Corapi, that was solely dedicated to this one subject: is an act, acts. It's more than a feeling and not only a feeling. The feeling is infatuation. A sledgehammer to the head, an arrow through the heart. Love is taking the hard road when the softer is easier. Compassion, Care, Understanding, Concern for another's well-being and acts to see to these things. It's like the charity pages here on Steemit or save the children. Covering a grenade with your body so the rest don't die, covering your wife and child at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania.

Love is forgiveness and spots people's strengths, and upholds them at their weakest. Love is work and requires works.

It pulls someone from a fire. It grabs a child from in front a bus bearing down. It pulls someone from the water who is drowning.

These traits are visible in the simplest of creatures and animals and birds. Mother to child, Father to child, Mother to Father, child to Mother, child to Father.

Love is an act, a gift, something not asked for but certainly needed.

I don't know if it conquers all, or conquers always, but I have watched whoop some serious ass.