MPPT in the New Zealand Wilderness
Working together around the world to install solar and wind in their various businesses and residences their lithium ion batteries were drained. The chargers would not start to charge the batteries. Alarms were beeping driving pets , children, neighbors, customers, patients, better halves, and themselves.
SRNE Knock-off relabeled to ECO-WORTHY ECO3000W(SR).
I don't understand what MPPT is @worldofxpilar, @sultan-aceh, @stef1, @mikitaly, @chant, @aneukpineung78, @sduttaskitchen asked @kiwiscanfly on the discord channel.
It simple @kiwiscanfly replied while on the biking loop of a triathlon, "MPPT means Maximum Power Point Technology."
"What does that mean?", @stef1 said, "I am a medical doctor and should easily be able to figure this out."
"Well, it means that the electricity produced by solar panels needs to be connected in series like in a long flashlight and the we connect several of the flashlights together positive to negative," @kiwiscanfly huffed climbing a hill as he replied.
"That's not it," @weisser-rabe and @moecki said as one.
"It is too! I've reached the top of the hill and have to leave and pay attention to the road out here in the New Zealand Wilderness," @kiwiscanfly turned off his connection to the Internet.
"It really is simple," @builderofcastles said, "It all has to do with the aether. First find the minimum and maximum open circuit, then the maximum allowable charge amperage. A digital Tesla coil with a digital sliding variable tap is moved along the coil to produce the proper Energy equal to the Amperage divided by the resistance. In other words, ... (Purely Theoretical, Not understandable)." He is most likely correct in his assumptions after all Unity Is the Coefficient of the Substitution of Division by Zero @jeff-kubitz mused enabling the transference through space and time of living matter even through solids such as variable unknown asymmetrical substrata and gases by a process of dimensional shift to D² then back to D regardless of distance, obstacles, "Aw, screw it. It's live wire time adjacent serial connections between two parallel connections, click, click -
A) 1,2,3 are wired in series for 72 volts.
B) 4,5 are wired in series for 48 volts.
A set is wired in parallel with B set.
Yes, it's real cloudy.
@tyty, "Was he killed?"
@hefestus, "Hopefully, I thought we should burn him at the stake!"
"@weisser-rabe and @moecki were correct," @jeff-kubitz observed as he regained consciousness, rolled over onto his back, the green charge light flashed.
It Works! Thank God
The sun set. The batteries discharged. The alarms sounded. I'll see if it's repeatable tomorrow. You know -the thing that controls, charges, and inverts the batteries.
So, to make it simple:
- The input Photovoltaic Voltage (PV) Open Circuit Voltage ranges between 30-85 volts.
- It was cloudy this morning. I had two sets of two 24 volt solar panels connected in series so each set produced 48 volts. I had one more panel left at 24 volts so I connected it in series to a 48 volt two panel set making a 3 panel 72 volt set. With the separate other 2 panels set wired in parallel the output voltage is 3/5ths or 0.6 * 72. Or, 43.2 volts to the breaker. That keeps it in between the 30 to 85 volts required by MPPT.
Remember, God does not throw people into Hell for stupid acts. Like in the Gates of Hell military exploration mission, soldiers walk right in (it's like Stargate Transport without all the doodads, whatchamacallit's, zing bangers, plop fizzers, and whirly gigs, zap clappers.
What do you know @kiwiscanfly won the bicycle leg of the triathlon!
Going Larger 48+ volts DC panels and controller chargers
Eco-worthy and several others have 48 volts DC to 120/240 volts AC controller chargers. Both single phase, two pole, and three phase models.
I bought the one I have because it was oh so inexpensive. $303. I like ECO-WORTHY because they have sales.
Anyways, the 48 volts models are between 5,000 and 10,000. You can chain 6 charger controllers into one circuit (30,000 to 60,000 watts)! Each circuit can be powered by 4,000 watts of panels and can be connected in series to up to 600 volts DC. That makes wiring panels oh so inexpensive. You could light up a school in the middle of nowhere easily this way. Anything only open in the day. Or at night with batteries. They 14 KW batteries now. has a sale on for 360 Watt and 540 watts panels, $74.99 and $195 plus shipping respectively.
Now mine again, the sun popped out and the output jumped to 48 VDC @ 25 amps charging from cloudy and 29 watts @ 6 amps. So running one bundle up to 72 VDC and the other to 48 VDC produced electricity in thick clouds cover because the electricity produced was greater than the 30 watt minimum but less than the 85 watt maximum. Remember the batteries were dead. I did not know how to get it set up right.
Again these MPPT systems can be:
- Completely off grid
- Do not require the use of batteries
- Can generate pure sine wave electricity which is easier on the life span of all electrical devices.
- Complete usable electricity solely from the solar panels.
- Can also run off generators and grid electricity.
- You can start out light/small and add to your system with cash!
- Eco-worthy has windmill systems that can also be used with solar. Then, I wonder if they got that from me?
For Example: You can't charge lithium batteries with wind power! Answer: I can first I charge lead acid batteries and use those to charge lithium batteries.
And Now They Have It!
My batteries are charged up to 27 volts from 21 volts this morning. It's now 4:24 pm from 8:30 am when the sun came up.
Hope you folks liked the jokes! This an expensive for me undertaking.
Excellent! I'm a character in a role-playing game ;-))) And the cast is excellent ;-)))
0.00 SBD,
0.06 STEEM,
0.06 SP
Thanks very much!