I Put a New Thermocouple in the Stove

in Dream Steem2 months ago

Amongst Else An Original Non-Ty-Ty Approved Poem:
We watch the movie


and it gets cloudy.

Yesterday, I watched MacGuyver on Ionplus all day from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm. It's sunny.

Today I looked at the thermometer in the predawn morning and it looked like it was three or four degrees fahrenheit.
There's a sliver of the moon in a perfectly clear sky which you may not be able to see. The sun is not risen yet at 8:00 am.

When the drought won't go away
Despite one's humble attempts to pray
When the frost can't ice today
The soil's so dry no crystals display
There is but one thing one can say
The great God in heaven wants it this way?
Upon all creatures great and small
The innocent of the Earth cry and call
The antelope the fastest creatures of all
Lick the ice on ponds, wells, or fall
The screech of the D.A.D.A.D.S. beg a crawl
Up does the dust rise into a ball
The drought wind is set from the northeast
Cricket is gone clicked, chirped like a beast
We think by her hand a drought unleashed
Now is out there bound to end this feast
High priestess powers caged to the least
Like leaven in bread rises 'cause of yeast
Off in the distance like a great yew
Rises up steam which makes a thick dew
A geothermal plant drilled holes not few
Continually up a feathered plume new
Depending on wind upon a blows cue
Snow caps the mountains ends the blue
Along with electricity at high altitude
Comes with rain and snow inspires attitude
Silent neverending to nature not rude
A creek feeds the plant so it may brood
In hand a rod though it seems crude
Innocent's salvation, a new weather mood
Now that all the curses are removed
One may act as one wishes behooved

I like it simple
No metaphor or allegory
Yet all is dynamic
Not easy to see
Nothing is static
Though that's what most believe
Like cloud on the wind
Of ever rising Steem
The Earth rides a current never the same
The moon circles Earth
Always with change
The Sun's light is different
Never exactly the same
The clouds pass on the sky
Ever so high or grow from the ground
When the fog is around
Perhaps I have faltered
Believe the deranged
But debt is not Liberty
Where freedom should reign
The lawsuits will start
As Trump now wields' a pen
The mightiest weapon
A sergeant once said
His name Cooper
He said I was dumb
About that he was right
From him I learned some
With Holy Rocks
In a place made Holy
Blessed ever daily
By a water walker and stander
To the tick of the clocks
There's only so much one can do
After an emperor
Of the Beings of the Void
to kill you
Why get me?
In the yard it's plain to see
There's a price to all faith
And simple acts that make one great again

So you don't like Trump
And don't like me
But a theft is a theft
And the divine right of combat
Will prove to thee
There is right and there is good
Don't tread on me again
If you know what is good

Are you all insects?
To be cast at the foe?
Birthed from a fishes' roe?
Perhaps you are ants?
Or bees from a queen?
Slaves to the will?
Of some super being?
You are mammals with families
Who should be free!
Leave the electricity on and be sued
Turn off the electricity and be sued
Fire of such disaster
Follows no legal rules
A law added to a maniacal chapter
Hundreds of books of it
What are they after?
What have they taken?
What is stolen from thee?
We are so overpopulated
Make a new disease?
Unleash the Kraken?
Pregnant women should fight?
Who'll raise by State's mighty might?
Is happiness dropping on the ground?
In the midst of a battle and the mother falls?
Spike to the head, for it too is meat?
All the hordes do is kill, burn, eat
Knowledge is vanity but this much is true
The end is a beginning
War is for winning
Drought be gone, you're through!
The grease was thick
The ash, dust, and grime a trove
I put a new thermocouple in the stove!

Bake On!

Wow! I removed ten years grease on the sides, who knew?



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator04. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @fombae