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RE: Typical Pakistani Beggar Mentality

in Dream Steem2 months ago (edited)

I, for one, will never defend these scammers, who unfortunately are mostly from Pakistan. I feel disgusted when I see them doing this. This isn't the first time either. I remember being associated with these scammers once, simply because I am from the same country as they are. It's honestly very depressing for me.

I don't want to single out a specific group of people, but if you dig deep, you'll find that 90% of these scammers from Pakistan have the same thing in common. @event-horizon would probably understand what I'm saying. It seems as if most of the people from that region sign up on this platform solely to scam and make money.

I can understand why people like steemchiller are visibly annoyed and make such statements. At its core, their annoyance seems justified because of individuals like these. However, generalizing an entire nation based on the actions of a few is not the best approach. We're all in the same boat, fighting against these scammers.


There can be fraudsters anywhere. It doesn't matter what country, race, or religion they are from. The person who commits fraud will always do it. Just because a few people do it, we can't say that everyone else is like that. Your opinion and the hatred you have for such users in your country are very reasonable.
