Resolution - The End of a Cascade... / Auflösung - Das Ende einer Kaskade...
Deutsch im Anschluß...
Good evening, Dear Dreamers!
The New Year has begun, we are already a few days older, winter is putting a bit of a damper on our mood and yes, our little cascade is complete and has been successfully cracked by some users!
Over six days, I have described six writers to you, whose initial letters together make up our final solution word. At this point, I'll allow myself to get ahead: it was about the seasonally appropriate
So far, so marvellous: there are three correct solutions - @alexanderkass, @henryclive and @sterii can each look forward to 4 STEEM! Congratulations on your in-depth knowledge and targeted research! Thank you for your participation!
Your payouts will be made immediately afterwards; you can find the screenshot of the transactions in the comments section.
I would be very happy to leave it at that; the next and similar contest would provide some variety again at some point. Now, however, my mood is a little dampened and, contrary to the above comment, it's not winter that's responsible...
@soulfuldreamer recently commented on current events with AI users - thank you for that too! Apart from the fact that my own experiments have shown that ChatGPT & Co. have improved significantly and deliver high-quality texts that cannot be identified as AI-generated either by means of relevant tools or with the confident sense of language and style of a trained reader. Well, this shit is overrunning us! And I don't want to diminish the potential benefits in many areas of application. But they have no place in the protected sphere of a blogging platform, in a Community of creative writers, as we understand it.
As these are no longer just pure large language models, but now include valuable search functions and lexicons, I came up with the (previously absurd) idea of entrusting my puzzles to ChatGPT. What can I say...? It took less than 5 seconds to spit out all six solutions including background information.
And now here I am... I usually design my puzzles in such a way that some of the tasks are easy to solve, but others are difficult or almost impossible. Of course, you still have a good chance of finding a final solution word, because the fun should always outweigh the difficulty and success is always part of it. The fact that someone has identified all six writers gives me pause for thought.
I would like to ask you to be spontaneously honest, dear winners: don't worry, I won't take away anyone's prize! But please tell me how AI inspired or helped you with the solution! I would really like to be able to assess this; my willingness to create future competitions may depend heavily on it... Thank you for your openness in advance!
I don't want to withhold the partial solutions from all silent readers...:
In the first round we were looking for F. Scott Fitzgerald, whom I appreciate as the author of ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’, among other things.
The second round called for Władysław Reymont. Never heard of him? He has a Nobel Prize for Literature, which he received for his seasons cycle ‘The Peasants’.
George Orwell was the third in the group, whose ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘1984’ are legendary and speak for themselves.
Number four was Emilè Zola, who created one of the most depressing works in literary history with ‘Germinal’.
My fifth choice was Ilja Ehrenburg, who, to be honest, I haven't read a single book by: I only know reviews. And interviews, his biography, a documentary. You can know him, but for me he clearly comes under specialised knowledge…
The last author is Pablo Neruda, who in turn was world-famous as a writer and revolutionary - we didn't just read his ‘Canto General’ because it was compulsory reading at school...
There are so many marvellous books by wonderful authors; it's impossible to get to know them all in one lifetime. But: at least you can try ;-)) I'm quickly off to do some reading...
Yours @weisser-rabe
Madonna, 1998
Deutsche Version:
Guten Abend, liebe Träumer!
Das Neue Jahr hat begonnen, wir sind schon wieder ein paar Tage älter, der Winter drückt etwas auf die Stimmung und ja, unsere kleine Kaskade ist abgeschlossen und wurde von einigen Nutzern erfolgreich geknackt!
An sechs Tagen habe ich Euch sechs Schriftsteller beschrieben, deren Anfangsbuchstaben zusammen unser finales Lösungswort ergeben. An dieser Stelle erlaube ich mir einfach vorzugreifen: es ging um das jahreszeitlich passende
So weit, so wunderbar: es gibt drei korrekte Auflösungen - @alexanderkass, @henryclive and @sterii dürfen sich über jeweils 4 STEEM freuen! Ich gratuliere zu Eurer profunden Kenntnis und zielführenden Recherche! Danke für Eure Teilnahme!
Eure Auszahlungen werden direkt im Anschluß vorgenommen; den Screenshot der Transaktionen findet Ihr im Kommentarbereich.
Ich wäre hoch zufrieden, es dabei belassen zu können; der nächste und ähnliche Contest würde irgendwann wieder für etwas Abwechslung sorgen. Nun ist meine Stimmung allerdings etwas getrübt und entgegen der obigen Anmoderation ist nicht der Winter dafür verantwortlich…
@soulfuldreamer hat sich kürzlich zu aktuellen Begebenheiten mit KI-Nutzern geäußert – vielen Dank auch dafür! Abgesehen davon, daß meine eigenen Experimente ergaben, daß sich die ChatGPT & Co. deutlich verbessert haben und durchaus hochwertige Texte abliefern, die sich weder mittels einschlägiger Tools noch mit dem sicheren Sprach- und Stilgefühl eines geübten Lesers als KI-generiert identifizieren lassen. Tja, der Scheiß überrollt uns! Und den möglichen Nutzen in vielen Anwendungsbereichen will ich dabei gar nicht schmälern. Nur in der geschützten Sphäre einer Bloggingplattform, in einer Community kreativer Schreiber, wie wir uns verstehen, haben sie nichts verloren.
Da es sich nicht mehr nur um reine Large Language Models handelt, sondern mittlerweile wertige Suchfunktionen und Lexika integriert sind, kam ich auf die (für mich bis dato abwegige) Idee, meine Rätsel ‚mal dem ChatGPT anzuvertrauen. Was soll ich sagen…? Er hat keine 5 Sekunden gebraucht, um alle sechs Lösungen inkl. Hintergrundinformationen auszuspucken.
Und nun stehe ich da… Ich gestalte meine Rätsel meist so, daß die Aufgaben teilweise gut lösbar sind, in Teilen jedoch schwierig bis fast gar nicht. Natürlich hat man trotzdem gute Chancen, ein finales Lösungswort zu ermitteln, der Spaß soll natürlich immer überwiegen und ein Erfolg gehört jedenfalls dazu. Daß jemand alle sechs Literaten identifiziert hat, mach mich etwas nachdenklich.
Ich möchte euch ganz unbefangen um spontane Ehrlichkeit bitten, liebe Gewinner: keine Sorge, ich nehme niemandem seinen Preis wieder weg! Aber verratet mir bitte, inwiefern KI Euch bei der Lösung inspiriert oder geholfen hat! Ich möchte das wirklich gerne einschätzen können; meine Bereitschaft, künftige Wettbewerbe zu kreieren, dürfte schwer davon abhängen… Vielen Dank für Eure Offenheit schon im Voraus!
Allen stillen Mitlesern will ich die Teillösungen nicht vorenthalten…:
In der ersten Runde suchten wir F. Scott Fitzgerald, den ich unter anderem als Autor von „Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button“ schätze.
Die zweite Runde verlangte nach Władysław Reymont. Noch nie gehört? Er trägt einen Literaturnobelpreis, den er für seinen Jahreszeiten-Zyklus „Die Bauern“ bekam.
George Orwell war der dritte im Bunde, dessen „Farm der Tiere“ oder „1984“ legendär sein dürften und für sich sprechen.
Nummer vier lieferte Emilè Zola, der mit „Germinal“ eines der bedrückendsten Werke der Literaturgeschichte geschaffen hat.
Als fünften suchte ich Ilja Ehrenburg, von dem ich ehrlich gesagt kein einziges Buch selbst gelesen habe: ich kenne nur Rezensionen. Und Interviews, seine Biografie, eine Dokumentation. Man kann ihn kennen, läuft für mich aber eindeutig unter Spezialwissen…
Den Abschluß bildet Pablo Neruda, der wiederum als Schriftsteller und Revolutionär weltberühmt war – sein „Canto General“ haben wir nicht nur gelesen, weil es Pflichtlektüre in der Schule war…
Es gibt so viele wunderbare Bücher ganz wunderbarer Autoren; sie alle zu kennen, ist in einem Menschenleben nicht zu bewerkstelligen. Aber: man kann es immerhin versuchen ;-)) Ich gehe dann mal schnell Lesen…
Euer @weisser-rabe

I guessed Fitzgerald myself - it was easy. I didn't know Reymont: I put your clue into ChatGPT, and it instantly gave me the answer. As for Orwell, it wasn't hard to guess, as three letters were already known. From your first post, it was clear that the contest lasted 6 days, meaning the word consists of 6 letters. The first three letters - FRO - were already found, and ChatGPT also suggested Zola to me.
In total: I guessed 2 on my own, 2 were done by ChatGPT. Could I have completed this task independently? Yes, I would have found this information on Google, but it would have taken more time.
Conclusion: with the advent of ChatGPT, I don't see the point in such contests - a few seconds, and you know the answer. I'm sending back my winnings to you, as I don't consider that I earned them.
Hi Alexander! Thank you very much for the detailed and open answer! Thanks also for your donation to the Community - it wouldn't have been necessary, but will be gladly incorporated ;-))
In order to make such competitions attractive again, you will either have to trick the AI (I'm convinced you can ;-)) or use it specifically. Hmmm. We'll see ;-))
The problem here is not AI but the clue
Honesty is worth voting for!
@ wakeupkitty
That's a bummer... I believe I’ve already provided brief reasons for the first three letters I was sure of, along with explanations for why I haven’t guessed the last three. And to think I was almost positive you'd end it with Nietzsche to support my guessed word 😕
If I may suggest, if there is another game, instead of featuring world-renowned authors, why not focus on renowned authors within this community? Perhaps the works of those who have won 'Keyword of the Week'? (I mean, support local) This community is like Steemit's library, right? I think that would be exciting.
Hello Henry! You are absolutely right! Freely available knowledge is no longer worth anything in the context of such competitions. I remember an earlier one I organised in Deutsch Unplugged - there I only used information from old Steem articles. The participation was... well, not great anymore. The effort seemed too high for many users...
I'll think of something for next time!
I think you're right; it does seem like a lot of effort. But I still believe it would be a huge achievement for an author here to be featured in your would be a great motivation for them/us. The trouble is, I already have a clue about who the author would be. I'm positive that @alexanderkass will be one of them because of his great articles 😉
Enough, @henryclive , enough 🤭
How fun would it be solving a puzzle about yourself... 😅
Well, I was familiar with the third writer, George Orwell's book on extreme inequality and oppression. Ilya Ehrenburg was also a risky guess
I wasn't familiar with the first and second writers and keying in their origins on google before sorting them out from other suggestions takes time which made me resort to using meta AI for the remaining.
Hi Esther! Thank you very much for the quick and open answer! I often use Google (or rather other search engines) myself as a helpful tool for research. I have not yet got used to AI as such.
Alright then. Not to seem like a bad influence, meta AI is just on WhatsApp platform. It could come in handy sometime later for other reasons.
I also appreciate your efforts towards the community @weisser-rabe and @hive-107855
Looking forward to more of your creativity.
Here we go:
Congratulations on a successful event! Although I couldn't participate due to time constraints, I hope you had a wonderful experience. :)
I think I've said enough on the matter already. The issue will only be effectively addressed if all community leaders, moderators, and Steemit users collectively and consciously speak out against it and condemn it. However, as you mentioned, detecting such activity is becoming increasingly difficult. This undoubtedly increases the workload of readers, especially curators, many times over.
When analyzing contest posts, I had to check the participants' previous entries as well. Personally, I trust my instincts, and I believe a user's writing pattern often reveals any dishonesty.
I say nothing 🤐 I just leave
a pic behind.@ wakeupkitty