I can so much relate to the 'sentimental' factor here. I don't have any old collection but I do take care of my books. It's a little weird confession but I don't like lending my books. It shouldn't be a big deal but I am possessive. There are two reasons - I worry how the borrower will keep the book and second even if the borrower is someone who can be trusted with books, I don't like to see the empty space in my shelf or having an incomplete set. It's crazy I know.
Now of course, I don't deny when somebody asks for a book but I request it back when I start feeling anxious. Luckily, there are hardly any people in my circle who read or read what I read..😅
Now you'll be wondering how I gave your daughter a book of mine. Well, this facility is only for special people. 😀
Don't start me on the anatomy of books specially the old ones - those smell divine. With all the benefits, e-books don't even come close to the physical/printed books.
Hahahahaha reminds me of an incident when i gave my brand new hardcover book to my friend's sister to read. My friend had told me about her sister's non serious nature.
O my god, my siblings taunted me a lot for giving it to her and asked me to ask for its return.
I had to lie and made a scenerio to get it back. I was so dheet that i myself went to their house to get it back because she didn't have the time.
And you know what? She didn't read even the first chapter or page in one month:)
I was getting anxious while reading your reply until I reached this paragraph:
Phew. Lol
She was really anxious to return it. She didn't forget to mend it a little before returning it. I hope you didn't mind the delay :)))
I will comb through the collection of books upstairs and will let you know. You can borrow if you like any!
It was very sweet of her. I didn't mind at all. I have been meaning to get a brand new set of that series because the one I own is from my childhood. It was already a little worn out by countless reads. XD
Yes, please.
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