To heck with ethics and honesty

in Dream Steem8 months ago
Sometimes I feel that I should stop writing, consider myself a loser, and just fight for my survival. I should focus on how much I am earning. Earlier I did not think like this, and I think probably no one should ever think like this. But nowadays I feel that I don't know what I am doing in life. Nothing is right.

I have started to feel that there is no writer in me. Just writing a few stories with similar endings and formats does not make one a writer. Whenever I feel that I am no longer a writer, then I pick a new novel and start reading it. After reading the novel, I always started to feel as if there was a writer inside me, and I too could write something great.

As soon as I read, many new plots of stories start stirring inside me. Many characters start dancing in front of my eyes just like worms slowly start wriggling in rotten corpses.

Many stories in my mind do not come to life just because I do not think about them properly or do not want to think about them. I want to write many such stories. I have such stories and there is a dark depression inside me. I have stored stories on the shelves waiting to come out.

If there is something like a parallel universe, then the characters of many of my stories would be alive in some universe or the other. They would be drinking alcohol, loving someone passionately, or shoveling wet soil on a rainy day to bury a dead body. I did not get many things in my life the way I wanted, but I want to find all those things in my stories and want to get all those things that I want in my real life.

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I always say sorry and apologize when I commit a mistake. I still remember the incident when the Goddess of Pond cheated me. Did that goddess of the pond apologize to me? We all know the famous story of the woodcutter and golden axe, but that is not true in my case.

When I was cutting wood and my iron axe fell into the pond, then the goddess of the pond brought a golden axe from the pond and asked if this was my axe.

"I said no."

She again went inside the pond, and when she came out the second time, she had a silver axe in her hand.

"I said the second time also that this is not my axe."

The goddess of the pond went inside the water for the third time, and when she came out of the pond for the third time, she had my iron axe in her hand. She returned my axe to me and told me that you are very honest.

I was very happy.

She went inside the water and never came out again. I waited for a while. I thought maybe she would come back again and tell me that she was happy with my honesty. Saying this, she will give me both the silver and golden axes. And I will return to my home happily and write a letter to my girlfriend saying that I am coming back to marry her.

But nothing like that happened in my case. The goddess of the pond should have treated me on par with the woodcutter, but she never returned. I felt that was MALPRACTICE in bold on the part of Goddess of the Pond. This was pure cheating by her if I acted honestly and said no. Now I feel, "Why should I be so honest all the time?"

I am a marketing professional, so I should behave like ones who do anything in their interest. But being an introvert who keeps his profile low, I have always paid a price for the same, but now I have decided to change for my survival and am looking at the advantages of practicing malpractice right now.


Uh-huh. It's a big club of writers who think they should stop writing and go to work.

Writing great world wide heard words is a tricky sport. When inspiration comes. It is like love and a hit to the head with a baseball bat or a hammer. There is magic and a profound spell occurs. Some people say this infatuation. Some people think it is false but other who have experienced love know that deep inside are profound words of observations waiting to be born. Getting paid for it is another matter.

It's like rain making. One in touch with the universe and when the muse talks, listen and write.

I woke up this morning, my head was screaming. No name I said something bad happened last night. I checked the news feeds, didn't see it, and everything seemed alright.

I did my daily duties. Up to heaven I took my weapons went. In my sleep I was wounded, my holy armor rent.

In the night another God attacked, the rains failed to come my way. I was healed up, my armor mended, my tools, rods, hammers, and swords tended.

When prayers aren't answered, what can one say? Maybe they'll answered later today. Maybe they'll come true, tomorrow or the next.

All a writer has is a pen and a text. Writers are actors that perform on page, like actors, musicians play the stage (This is variation of something I wrote long ago).

Why give up writing, what else can one do? One either hears or does not hear the muse.

 8 months ago 

All a writer has is a pen and a text. Writers are actors that perform on page, like actors, musicians play the stage

I hundred percent agree with you!

.🦋 Why we upvoted? 🦋 Because we enjoy entertainment and talent. Good luck to you.🐞 🦭 It's great to have you on Steemit! 🐬

IMG_20240604_143039_435.jpg🍀 @wakeupkitty 💕

The fairy paid you a great compliment: she knew that you didn't need an incentive to behave properly ;-)) That's the way it is with doves: they are recognised as such; nobody confuses them with crows...

 8 months ago 

Sometimes even doves feel crows are better off. The crows do what they like they eat anything from any place, take no responsibility whatsoever, and don't care if they face blame but take it all in their stride.

Yes, doves are only human ;-)) But - they can't get out of their skin. They can't just become nasty and selfish. It's against their nature.

After reading this your story about the wood cutter and the goddess of the pond, it really made me laugh!

It reminded me of a post that went viral in my country. A lady got an alert of 3 million naira by an unknown sender who mistakenly sent it to her. She decided to be honest by calling the owner of the money. She transferred back the money and he thanked her for it and he left.

This lady felt so angry because she was expecting her honesty to be paid in cash by the guy not with mere words… she had to bring it up on social media to get different opinions.

According to you, that was “malpractice “ on the man’s side!!😂

 8 months ago 

I am sure her hopes were shattered but if she was expecting any rewards for her honesty she should have said it clearly. I am also sure he would give it happily.

.🦋 Why we upvoted? 🦋 Because we enjoy entertainment and talent. Good luck to you.🐞 🦭 It's great to have you on Steemit! 🐬

IMG_20240604_143039_435.jpg🍀 @wakeupkitty 💕

Nothing wrong with always the same end, the average reader doesn't notice it not even if he's a big fan. The story that leads to tje end can be way more interesting.

 7 months ago 

Maybe you know that, I know that but how many of them know that? if all the stories end in the same way they'll kill the reader. I'm out on experimenting with a few things, thank you.

Qué belleza de post. Te confieso que leerte siempre me resulta grato. Significa que, aparte de honesto, eres talentoso. Creo que todos, en algún momento, hemos tenido que actuar por sobrevivencia y por conveniencia. Sin embargo, lo ideal sería actuar, de acuerdo con nuestra esencia. Es decir, hacer lo que nos guste y nos haga sentir bien con nosotros mismos.

Te admiro y aprecio. Un abrazo.

 7 months ago 

Writing fiction is my favorite niche because it gives me the freedom to write from the core of my heart. Maybe I haven't done what I have written here but a writing is alwaya s reflection of an author's views.

Jeje. Todo escritor deja en sus escritos una huella de sus pensamientos.

Caramba amigo, la diosa del estanque estaba esperando que fueras deshonesto, pero el hecho de ser honesto a la diosa le importó un pepino.

Así son los demonios manipuladores de nuestros anhelos con trampas preconcebidas, los honestos parecen que nunca serán premiados. Así es el mundo actual, los antivalores llevan la delantera.

Pero no todo siempre será igual, ya llegará el momento de brillar y ser reconocidos, eso valdrá mucho más que las falsas hachas de oro que sirven como señuelos.

Ser o no ser, he allí el problema...

Gracias por compartir,
¡Un fuerte abrazo!

 8 months ago 

Thank you but this is all about a fictional keyword provided by the community. You can also participate in it as it's right on the top of the posts. Thanks.

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 8 months ago 


 8 months ago 


.🦋 Why we upvoted? 🦋 Because we enjoy entertainment and talent. Good luck to you.🐞 🦭 It's great to have you on Steemit! 🐬

IMG_20240604_143039_435.jpg🍀 @wakeupkitty 💕

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much!