RE: Eine wahnsinnige Kindheit | My insane youth
Hi, thanks for sharing your story! Yeah, it's really unbelievable how the police and others do their job, as if they wouldn't get paid for doing their job. But, the funny part i didn't even write here because i forgot it somehow: I went to the Carabinieri once with around 16 years or something and wanted clarification why they do nothing about my uncle, in the sense of "must really a teenager tell you how to do your job!?" Their answer in a really annoyed tone (like he would be really pissed for me coming to them): If we don't catch him when he does the crime we can do nothing. Like... Really!? Then do something to catch him while he do the crime!? I mean, it's not that we called them once every while. One month they really came every weekend. Like that's not a single case anymore... But hey, nearly bring me to minor court for a middlefinger i showed them afterwards.
Years later i went to the disco, which is near their workplace. After the disco i really must've go to the toilet. So i pissed on the walls of their workplace with a middlefinger up in the air^^ at least i got that, i guess ;)
And yeah, weed is unfortunately illegal where i live. Or... Unfortunately... I mean, if i want i get it anyway, so at least i can break the law^^ it's not like i like to smoke it in public, i prefer a quiet place like home for that, it's more chill. But when i was younger i smoked it everywhere. Good old times^^
Thanks, i wish you a great weekend too ;)