Spying on a spy (episode 3)[James is kidnapped]

in Dream Steem11 months ago (edited)


Wonderful day steemians sorry for releasing episode 3 a little late hope you all enjoy this one. So here it begins

Episode 3
James is kidnapped

Jeremy taught he was so lucky to have found love. He always wanted to do things that make Mia happy. Mia although sometimes felt embarrassed by this she had to endure it and let it slide because of her mission. Jeremy (now Henry) went back home to prepare for his flight for the operation. As he was preparing, a phone call came through his phone and so he picked it and a voice said"it's me Osborn". Jeremy wondered why Osborn called him at that time. The voice continued "I have some bad news". Jeremy asked of what happened. Osborn said"James has been kidnapped. Jeremy screamed "What ! How is that even possible".

Osborn pleaded with him to come back quick to the headquarters. But Jeremy explained that he had a mission outside the international border. But after much pleading Jeremy decided to go back to the headquarters. He saw Osborn and some other workers besides him including Mia. Osborn began to narrate how James got kidnapped.he said "James came down from his car and went to the Los Angeles police department for some questioning. When James got there he saw that two officers had been killed and most police officers were scarce. He began to call me and I answered, he told me that he's in the police department and told me that something is wrong, and as soon as he told me this the call ended. Later a call came to me that he has been kidnapped and they demanded a ransom of $500,000".

Jeremy was surprised, He screamed. Osborn was extremely confused and didn't know what to do. Jeremy decided to take the matter to the president of the United States. The president told them to get to the root of the matter by appointing a new leader to organise the team.

As soon as they received this order. The team were confused on who to choose as their leader. Mia had an opportunity to get to CIA information. So she decided to appoint Jeremy. Jeremy was so surprised by this, because this made others to believe in his leadership skills.

The team wasted no time in appointing Jeremy as their leader. Jeremy began by making the Los Angeles police department a crime scene and banned that place. Jeremy through too many investigations discovered that James was kidnapped by a terrorist organisation. Jeremy took the phone number of the kidnappers through Osborn. They team decided to track the number. They all discovered that the number didn't exist. This means that the matter was an international conspiracy. Jeremy was weakened by this because he was already incharge of solving another international conspiracy before this one sidetracked the other.

The next day as Jeremy went to work, he met Mia and was happy to see her. Mia went to Jeremy and told him that she trusts his leadership skills and that they were in this together. Jeremy was surprised to see Mia talk about them together. She went towards Jeremy blocked him from his files. Jeremy was surprised while this was going on. As for Mia she used this opportunity to take some files when Jeremy was not looking. Then she walked out of his office quickly. Jeremy didn't understand any of her actions or what she had just done instead he was blinded by love for Mia. He thought that Mia had feelings for him.

Jeremy went home, took his shower and ate his dinner. As he was about to go to sleep he had a mild headache. But as he was trying to go to sleep the headache got worse. It got to a point where Jeremy had to scream. As he screamed he saw some memories about himself and about those masked men. As he visualised this in his memory he ran out of the house and went to the hospital.

Episode 4 comes next week, please stay tuned an earlier episode is going to be released at comment section. Thank you all and have a lovely day.

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