I want to be modern, but I am classical, you know.

in Dream Steem2 months ago


"With me, poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion." Mr. Poe announced, holding a glass of red wine in one hand and smiling as he examined the faces of his colleagues. In his mind, he must be thinking that he made such an impactful statement given the crooked smile on his face and the manner with which he got up. Around the table sat the greatest writers of all time, staring at Poe, some disgusted at his audacity to declare himself the best and some considering whether he was really good at what he does or not.

Mr. Twain, whom you may know as Mark Twain was highly irritated at his statement and scoffed at him. "Best poet? Poe, if you’re the best, then I’m the emperor of China. Ever heard of Homer? Or Dante? There’s a whole history of greatness, my friend, and you’re just a dot on the timeline.” The others became silent and listened keenly to the two most disagreeable men in their gathering.

The other members of the club also began to argue amongst themselves, who the best was. Like any typical human, most of them suggested themselves as the best writers to exist.

The room was filled with the best classical writers across the world. They were present for their weekly meetings to discuss and interact with their friends. The chaos had spread across the room, but none of them got violent as to start hitting each other, although that would have been the case with Mark Twain and Mr. Poe, for the latter, had a very short temper.

A few were uninterested in arguing who the best was and sat quietly, observing the pandemonium. These authors obviously did not know what to do. How can people who are ¡highly honoured in the modern world, behave so irrationally? It just reminds me of the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. How Eris had caused a discord between Athena, Aphrodite and Hera about who the fairest was. She succeeded there and she succeeded here as well.

Someone has got to stop them from behaving so unreasonably.

Instead of arguing about who "the fairest" is, why don't they argue about something more interesting?

I stood up with my wine glass and spoon. The clinking sound of the spoon on the glass was able to grab their attention and stop the disorder for a while. I cleared my throat and lowered the objects in my hands, preparing to give my suggestion.

"Friends," I began, "how can we, the finest storytellers in history, stoop to such foolishness? Is it not dishonorable for us to argue over something as trivial as who is the ‘greatest’? Our Works speak for themselves. Why not channel this energy into something worthwhile?"

They stared, curious but skeptical. They turned their heads towards each other, wondering what kind of new activity I wanted to introduce. Like Solomon said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

I reached into my black bag and withdrew a stack of books. "These," I said, holding them up, "are retold versions of our works—modern reinterpretations created by writers inspired by us. Let us discuss these, rather than bicker about ourselves. Do they honor or desecrate our legacies?"

I passed the books around. Dickens received a retelling of A Christmas Carol. Austen held a modernized Pride and Prejudice. Twain chuckled as he flipped through a version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Even Poe hesitated, curious, before taking a copy of The Raven, reimagined as a psychological thriller.

Of course, I wasn't able to supply each of them a copy of their own novel but I was able to hand out 50 copies to 50 different authors and with the period of silence and introspection that followed, I was satisfied with my intervention.

The room grew quiet as the writers began to read. Jane Austen was the first to speak.

She rose slowly, smoothing her skirts. “Retelling Pride and Prejudice?! Absurd. The writer has married Mary Bennet to Mr. Collins—of all people! And poor Charlotte Lucas—has she been written out of existence entirely?” Her voice was calm, but her face was covered in disapproval. Mark Twain agreed with her, as if looking for another instance to cause an argument. This time Mr. Poe was in support of Twain's opinion. He also thought the retold version was awkward.

In contrast, Charles Dickens found the idea pleasant. He felt that it gave the writer an opportunity to see ideas he didn't consider fit the time he wrote the book. In his words, it's like viewing the world from another person's imagination. Miss May Alcott agreed with him, also seeing the beauty in others ability to play around with their original works. Of course,she wasn't bought out by the person's version because Jo wasn't supposed to marry Laurie at the end of Little Women but she didn't like being narrow minded either.

Then, from the corner, Shakespeare let out a hysterical laugh. He slapped the table so hard his wine glass tipped over, spilling crimson liquid across the book in front of him. "What light through yonder window breaks? 'Tis comedy! They’ve turned my tragedies into farce!"

His laughter echoed as he stumbled toward the balcony, still shaking with mirth.

Gentle Homer had been observing the whole sequence since its beginning. His temperament changed after reading a few pages. With a grim expression, he tore several pages from his retold Iliad. "This... is an abomination," he declared, his voice thunderous. "The gods themselves would weep to see such travesty."

J.R.R. Tolkien, seated nearby, simply closed his book with a sigh and placed it on the table. "I suppose some things are better left untouched."

I had always wondered what classical authors thought about the retold version and adapted versions of their works. I never knew it would be this dramatic! Absolutely worth seeing! I wish you'd seen their faces. Some were absolutely repulsed, some angry at the audacity, a few impressed and others no remark. Nevertheless, I was satisfied that they behaved more honourably than before.

It was ironic how well I blended in. They didn't even know that I was an outsider!

I didn't believe I'd be in the afterlife now. After stealing those keys from Ivan, the Russian guard at the museum in Irkutsk, I was determined to know if the legends were true. It's an ordinary key, the guard had said to me. But I knew that couldn't be true since it was kept a big secret since and wasn't in public access. There were only three copies of the key in the world. One was in Germany, another in Mexico and the last one here in Irkutsk. It was called the Key of Life and had the power to transport someone to the afterlife, to meet people that once lived on earth.

I sneaked into the museum's secret quarters and found the door to the other world. On opening its lock, I stumbled upon an old fellow, who helped me navigate through the town. ¡He happened to be one of the classical writers. He liked that I was interested in novels such as these and I also thought it'd be a good idea to share with them the ɍetold versions of the classical books I'd packed with me. Fortunately, I got the chance to.

You tried. Reading this shitty thing I wrote, now can you guess who I am and who the old man who helped me is?

Surely the-gorilla might be able to figure this one out.

And if you're using dark mode, switch to light mode so that you can see the first image properly.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Hello, @bluelavender.
I enjoyed your concept, so, I will give you a piece of advice, that I ask you take not as criticism but as help for future works, or a rework of this same text, because the concept is worth it and it could be easily expanded upon. Considering the persons mentioned as the best writers in the world may be a matter of opinion, when so many and so good were left out, starting with the first casualty, the poet Valmiki, who wrote the Ramayana and is probably the most copied of them all, not only because he wrote the first impressive piece of epic poetry, but because he is the oldest one. You can't depart from Homer skipping Virgil, or Rudaki, the persian; nor talk about the german Dante and the italian Petrarch and skip the portuguese Camoes. To make the logical jump into Poe, skipping Cervantes, Dumas, Victor Hugo, Tolstoi, Lovecraft, Verne and Conan Doyle... I believe I could go encyclopedic here... And this is just to make a point about the importance of solid research, but that, is not the most important. Three main things matter when you write something that is to be read by others. The first one being what Homer would call "Virtue", and that I call intelectual honesty: this means you must not generate resistance to your writing, in the readers mind, by presenting statements that he can easily fall into disagreement with. So, this would be the difference between saying "the world's best authors", saying "my favourite authors", or adding a simple "in my opinion"... Paying attention to "Virtue" is very important because it allows for the reader to take in your writing without ontological shock.
The second thing is the principle of parsimony in writing, or: the importance of not writing words that need not be there. This can include unneeded characters, repetitions of content after the point having already been made, and, in general, what William Faulkner said about wordiness: "Too many words dilute and blur ideas". So, be economic.
The third, and probably most important is: never,but never, surprise the reader. What does this mean? Well... It means that, even if you don't tell the reader how you got there, you will have to leave him a hint, so he makes the logical jump himself. Albert Hitchcock famously called this instrument the Mcguffin. It is the knife that was on the drawing board when the character entered the room on the scene before, it is the strange hissing sound that later turned into a blown up tire, it is the suitcase in Pulp Fiction, that everybody chases without even being important what it contains... What is important is it is shown in a key moment and it helps the reader not be surprised, because a surprised reader is a reader that feels deceived. You must allow your reader to feel the satisfaction of saying "I knew it"! That is why I would suggest that the key to that door in Irkutsk could have entered the story much earlier, maybe in a small paragraph setting the scenery, so the reader can know where he is and be aware of the Mcguffin.
I hope you find these ideas of mine, helpful. Would you be willing to re-write the story considering what I disclosed? I would much enjoy to see you play with your story and tell it in different ways... That is also a way to improve.
To check out where playing around with the idea of meeting famous characters from our past may lead, I would suggest a read: Dead Philosophers' Cafe: An Exchange of Letters for Children and Adults, by Nora K. and Vittorio Hösle.
And remember: there's many ways to tell the same story, and @hefestus is not always right.
Keep on writing good stories,

Hi there!😊 Thanks for reading this story. And I'm not offended by your criticism at all.

I'm really thankful for your contribution. Honestly, it is really helpful! So thanks again.

The principle of parsimony seems to similar to the concept of DRY— do not repeat yourself, in coding. And, I really don't know how to not surprise the reader 😅

But, not surprising the reader— doesn't that make the story lose its essence? I don't know if you understand what I mean but also I get that there should be some sort of connections at the beginning.

As for the key in Irkutsk, the narrator wondered how he blended well with the authors. They looked skeptical but didn't say anything.

I understand that there are better examples of poets and writers. I chose these ones because they're the ones I'm more familiar with.

I might rewrite the story if I have time. Maybe I should try someone else's perspective? Like the old man.

Thanks again. I'm glad someone gave me some writing lessons. If you can provide more help, I'd be really grateful 😊

Have a great day! 😁

I'm already extremely excited about your first competition - welcome ;-))

Hi. You could launch this one, yes... :)))

Then I'll call for help ;-)) @the-gorilla, @chriddi,... Alexander, Henry (or Svea) and Kitty will follow you anyway (or already know the puzzle as well as you ;-))

To start things off, I'll call you Margaret Atwood for a change. And your older mentor... T.S. Eliot. For the moment ;-))

Nope, not Margaret Atwood. You know me very well.

And as for my mentor, he wrote sonnets and he wanted to distance himself from Dante. Think of Italian poets.

Okay, new approach ;-)) I'm not sure about calling Petrarch a poet - he was much more than that. Perhaps he was also your guide? And you, writing friend, who is modern and yet only processes old stuff: is your name perhaps GPT, Chat GPT?

No, not chat GPT. I write children's books and novels too. And I was influenced by Russian authors and Mark Twain.

Wow, great idea - this mixture of fiction and real-life master authors is fascinating!
Hm, I can only guess...
Cervantes could be the helper in the museum, Leo Tolstoi the narrator?

You're super close. Only that the old man who helped him was a humanist. Think about Italian poets. And the narrator...is very very modern....

By the way, I'm really glad you liked the story! ☺️

Phew, I only found out about Francesco Petrarca after your clues and the subsequent AI survey. I've never heard of him - is that embarrassing now?!

And do I know very, very modern literature? A Russian? Wait, I'll read the other comments...

Good. Neil Gaiman.
Gaiman has repeatedly emphasized that Russian writers and Mark Twain are among his literary influences. - says ChatGPT... 🤷‍♀️

Neil Gaiman is a very good guess but this person is American and his book won the Man Booker prize for 2017

Okay, the hint makes him searched for easily:

George Saunders

✅ Yes, George Saunders 😅

I absollutely love your writing style.

This is far too intellectual for me but why not have a go 🙂

To guess who you are, I've come up with 2 options:

a) Eris

You wrote:

How Eris had caused a discord between Athena, Aphrodite and Hera about who the fairest was. She succeeded there and she succeeded here as well.

So if the answer is purely in your writing, then I've got to choose Eris.

b) Dan Brown

Ok, maybe more leftfield but the paragraph about stealing keys sounds like it came straight out of a Dan Brown novel.

Then the Old Man - since you are in Heaven, the only "person" that I can think of who would let you in is Saint Peter whose letters are in the New Testament - contributing to The Bible.

That's the best I can come up with 🙂

Nope, I'm not a Greek god. You know me well.

As for the old man, he's not Peter. Look more at Italian poets and humanists. This person wrote sonnets.

By the way, I'm really glad you like my writing style. ☺️

I think you over-estimate my intelligence 😆

Look more at Italian poets and humanists. This person wrote sonnets.

I haven't heard of Petrarch before. It sounds a lot like Peter though doesn't it?

✅ Petrarch is correct. 😅

And as for Peter, was he really hospitable?

And as for Peter, was he really hospitable?

Only to those he deemed worthy 😆

😄 Then I wonder the selection criteria for those who go to heaven! It must be so empty! 🤭

Should I tell you who I am or do you want to keep guessing?

I'll let you know once I get there 😉

Should I tell you who I am or do you want to keep guessing?

I really don't have a clue! I had to Google that other fella 😆

Okay, this person is American and won the Man Booker prize for 2017 😁

Privyet? There's an author missing🤔

Privet 👋🏼 Two people are missing....

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Thank you 🙂

A marvelous presentation of Clemens and Poe. Twain the two like Aristotle and Plato.

Glad you liked the story :⁠-⁠)