You'll never be younger than tonight.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Dream Steem5 months ago (edited)

Time flies. Yesterday you were 30, today you're already 40, and tomorrow you'll be 50. How quickly life rushes ahead, leaving us behind, like a trail in the melting snow. Years pass, disappearing before you can even realize them. Every day feels shorter, as if someone has sped up the clock. Sometimes, you wish you could slow down this flow, feel the moment in its full measure, or even stop it altogether. But time doesn’t ask us, and this race won't slow down.

Feeling down? Ha-ha-ha, well, who cares about this fleeting time? Why should we be sad about something we can’t change?

Now imagine: you took care of your health, exercised, ate right, and lived a long life, but here’s the catch — the day after your death, scientists release a pill for immortality. Meanwhile, your neighbor, who spent his life drinking beer with mayonnaise and washing it down with sugary syrup, lived to see this moment and is now immortal. Now anyone can live forever, change destinies, start over. Except not you — you weren’t lucky. You left just one day before this discovery, a moment before eternity. Luck missed you by a millimeter.

Playing the long game is great, but you don’t need to torture yourself with extreme diets and workouts. You need to enjoy the process, not just chase some "important" goal.

Once, in your youth, it seemed like eternity was ahead, and every chance would come if you just wanted it. But now, when you take a photo, you see a person who tries with all their might to look good. You try not to furrow your brows to hide the wrinkles, choose a good angle to make the photo look at least somewhat decent. Of course, you still try to smile at yourself in the mirror each morning, but sometimes you just want to cover the mirror with a cloth and store it in the attic, like Dorian Gray’s portrait.

And when you hear your voice on a recording — it sounds foreign and not as pleasant as you’d like it to be. Sure, each age has its own charm, but sometimes it feels a little sad. And how often have you thought that something was always "off," or caught yourself thinking that in some silly conflict, you could have answered more wisely.

We often find reasons for sadness and forget that just waking up today is already a wonderful reason for joy.


The image was created by the author in the Canva app.


I'm so damn sentimental when I drink🙂
It's good that there's an option to edit the text here.

Yippee-aye-oh-kigh-ay! Spelled it a little different so there's a way to sound it out.

Life goes faster and faster. My grandpa told me that and zoom he was right. And zoom he was gone. I say good morning and good night and kiss is precious. Each ,hello, I missed, glad you're home, did you enjoy that meal.

Every bizarre observation that leads to a laugh.

Good post

Thank you! Life really does fly by, and it's those small, precious moments that make it all worth it. Appreciate your thoughtful words.

... the thing is: I don't want to be younger than I am. I really struggle with my former self and find myself much more relaxed and composed today. Incidentally, this also makes me more beautiful. This excited endeavour to be attractive in youth can be pretty stupid ;-)))