Not an Action Hero

in Dream Steem7 days ago (edited)

When watching movies or reading books, in moments when the main character bravely faces death in a hopeless situation, I feel very sorry for him (I love happy endings). And at the same time, I admire how he behaved in the last moments of his life.

And, of course, I've thought a lot about how I would behave in a similar situation.

For example, during a plane crash, when it's already clear that there is no chance of survival, could I, sitting in my seat, mentally say goodbye to life, maintaining inner peace? Or would I shake, sweat, and scream in terror at the top of my lungs?

And when one of the rescuers would find my body during the search, would he notice that I had soiled myself before death and think, "What a shame, what a wretch, couldn't even die properly."

And then, when they would call my wife to inform her of the tragedy, they would say, "Hello, Mrs. Kass, we have bad news for you - your husband passed away. And before that, he even soiled himself."

I imagined various scenarios: execution, deadly torture, as well as a simple, expected death within the family - with heroic and not-so-heroic endings.

Although death is a logical conclusion of life, and we start slowly dying the moment we are born, you can never be prepared for it. Unless, of course, you are an action hero.

Even though thoughts of death sometimes visit me, it happens very rarely. I am madly in love with this life and live as my heart and the moonstruck side of me command.

Image created by Pixabay, sourced from


Since both of us are already on this topic, we might as well milk it for all it's worth. So, here's another one to ponder: If you could choose, would you prefer a sudden, unexpected death or one you see coming?

It’s as if I was asked a similar question before I was born—where and as whom I’d like to be born. And if I remember correctly, I said, "In a billionaire family in the U.S." But you don’t really get to choose...

Understood. Maybe some questions are better left unanswered.