Setting up...



Configure is the most current purpose with which we can execute the action of a change, if we saw the past, the term configure would have been unthinkable, although from a not so distant time of the near yesterday we automated ourselves, we became beings programmed to such functionality, that predisposes us to be looking more in yesterday, establishing the future instead of living today, this today called present where the basic breathing is what is necessary to be alive, beyond food, health or social values.

Configuring ourselves continuously is the purpose of existing and we are subject to immediate communication where the Being lost the possibility of thinking before saying or doing, the terms are of immediacy, because in a click we can say hello, goodbye and even hurt without compassion because of the need to act by the impulse of being connected and configuring a fictitious reality since they are only true emotional stimuli that many live in the darkness of feeling without ever coming to light, for being very unique and safeguarded stories in a technological vehicle alien to the touch, the kiss or the real and concise look.

We learned more quickly to live in the distance and there are more and more lonely homes or tables where the family is immersed in their peculiarities and are oblivious to what is consumed by lacking the attention of the aromas and flavors of a breakfast, lunch or dinner, the affective disunity is typical of the unthinkable attempt perhaps of the configuration of unique beings and completely independent of the circle that actually coexists.

The configuration is the method of this present so fragile and lacking in constant reality that we submit ourselves by being more open to express ourselves from a chat or in a cybernetic conversation group that looking us in the eyes, the barriers of what I am physically, installs us at the forefront of the exitism of the right photograph and the behavior that suits us as proud winners of respect and admiration of others who also live in my same line of reasoning and feeling.

Not everything is tragic, not everything is so bad in the configurations because it is the change that the human being is going through these days, the important thing is to be able to understand that the configuration is not the only possibility, because the configuration registers deep changes that differ from our mental and emotional reality that we humans still have.

Artificial intelligence and technological advances are propitious advances to achieve an equanimous world in what refers to the life of this earth and its inhabitants of whatever kingdom, except that humans can live without the need for these advances because we are thinking beings and self-preservation knows no limits, in extreme cases survival is remarkable and unthinkable, we are also aware that we create parallel worlds, with a single purpose to escape from the real that is lived in this present that lacks a why, to think so much about yesterday and what will come.

We set up a system that urges us to feel more than what we could feel or grant to other beings that we cross daily, because we are subject to this virtual world, which inhibits us and sentences us to the silence of verbal expression or to feel this instant called present.

Configurations is something distant or something already concrete of our existence, a simple reasoning of who desists to be programmed or programmer of destinies, although he lives with intensity the contact with the neighbor from a click, as in the own silences that are corrupted, with the crossing of the breathing of two beings when they love each other.